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Enid POV

I wake up very early laying in Wednesday's arms feeling her warmth radiate onto me. I try to fall back asleep as I can't. I take my chin off of her chest as I stare out the window seeing it's still dark outside.

I gently remove my body from hers already aching back for her touch. I discipline myself as I stand up and walk very quietly inside the bathroom. I head over to the sink and splash cold water onto my face trying to get rid of last nights thoughts. As I finish I grab a towel and dab it onto my wet face. I stare intensely at myself as I watch my eyes grow yellow.

I fall back, frightened by my own change, straight into the tub knocking over the shampoo bottles. Crap, I hope Wednesday didn't hear that. I quickly picked up the shampoo bottles, organizing them back to how they were. I looked into the mirror one last time, I fixed my hair before walking back out.

I open the door as I hear muffled sounds. I quickly turned my head to see something unbelievable. Wednesday is tied to her chair in the middle of the room with ductape around her mouth. Thing is tied to the wall with ductape around all his fingers. I pull the ductape off of Wednesdays mouth. She begins to stare behind me as she says.

Wednesday: "Enid, watch out!"

I quickly avert my eyes behind me as I stare at Walt standing behind me. He grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall choking me.

Wednesday: "Walt, let her go or I will have your head on a platter."

Walt: "Looks like you'll have to find us to be able to do that."

I feel my eyes go blurry as I pass out from not enough oxygen.

Wednesdays POV

Wednesday: "You, are going to pay for this."

I watch as he laughs. He takes ductape and wraps it around Enid's wrists and ankles. He then wraps it around her mouth as he places a bag over her head. He begins to drag her unconscious body out of the door as I am stuck. I tried breaking free with pressure but he did good with the tape.

Wednesday: "I swear once I find you your a dead man."

Walt: "Yeah, yeah."

I watch as he shuts the door leaving me there. The thought comes to mind that maybe it's the last time I'll see Enid. Like that. No, it's fine, I just have to find the bastard. I quickly looked around the room. I tried rolling my chair but it was no use. He took the wheels out leaving me stuck like an unattended barrel. I turned to stare at Thing as he was not in his spot anymore. I look around trying to find him as he appears in front of me with one of my knives.

I smirk as I taught him well. He climbed up and cut off the tape freeing my hands from the tight trap. I grab Enid's phone off her desk as I run out the door. I run as fast as I can looking everywhere until I spot him with Enid. He quickly dumped her body into his trunk. He drove off fast out of the nevermore gates before I could reach them. I stood there as I read the license plate. 66632 W. He was driving a yellow beetle. I watch as he drives towards town. I can't leave him with Enid, but I don't know how I will get there.

I quickly run back to my room as I grab my knives and gun. I place them hidden inside my sweatshirt. I run to the principal's dorm as I knock almost banging. She slowly but surely opens the door.

Principal: "Wednesday why are you up this early?"

Wednesday: "Enid is in trouble she got kidnapped by Walt, a dragon that attends this school, he came into my room and attacked us. I have the license plate."

Principal: "Okay this is not good um, let me call the sheriff."

I overheard her as she talked on the phone with the sheriff. As I am sitting on the ground inside her dorm I watch her approach me.

Principal: "What was the license plate, the sheriff wants to look it up."

I give her the license plate as she reports it back to the sheriff. I wait, as I want an answer fast. I watch as the Principal looks at me confused. She hangs up the phone and stares directly at me.

Principal: "The sheriff said that the car and license plate is registered to an old woman named lydia marie in town."

Wednesday: "That can't be possible unless he killed her too and stole her car."

Principal: "Maybe you're overthinking this now just listen to me and go back to your dorm and get rest."

Wednesday: "Enid is missing, i'm not going to rest until she is back and safe."

Principal: "I didn't want to do this."

Wednesday: "Do what."

She approached me as she injected me with a sleeping medicine. I quickly fall to the floor as the last thing I feel is two hands pick me up.

Enid POV

I flutter my eyes open as the only thing I see is darkness. I shake my head as I see light under me. I shake my head more as I feel a bag come off of my head. I look around, i'm inside a trunk. I lick the duck tape around my mouth until it falls off making it easier for me to breathe. Heavy breathes fall out of my mouth as I try moving around but being tied up makes it harder. I feel the car stop moving as I begin to panic. Footsteps approach me as the trunk door flies open.

Walt: "Hello there."

Enid: "Piece of shit, let me go."

Walt: "Im good."

I feel him grab me as he drags my body along the gravel and into a house with a graveyard on the side. Have I seen this place before. I feel that I have in a dream or something. As he finishes dragging my body. He opens the old door. He throws me inside as he turns the light on. He walks away as I lie on the ground. I take this as an opportunity to run I quickly try to move my tied up body but it's no use. He quickly comes back and kicks me in the gut.

Walt: "The more you resist the more its going to hurt."

He places the metal chains around my hands as he drags me inside a room and hangs me up. My arms above my head with my legs barely touching the ground. He steps close to my face as he grabs my chin.

Walt: "I want to have fun with you before I kill you."

Enid: "Kill me?"

I watch as he points towards a table in the corner. Placed in the table is a noose.

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