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Enids POV

I was sitting on my bed waiting for Wednesday and Thing to return from wherever they were. Honestly I was getting worried they had been gone for a long time. As I was worrying I saw Wednesday run into the room. Thing jumped out of the back pack and immediately scurried to her desk grabbing a paper and writing something.

I run up to Wednesday. Her face looked shocked. She never looked like that. I cup her face with my hands and stare into her eyes.

Enid: "Where have you been and what happened, you look worried?"

Wednesday: "I will tell you all about it, but first you must promise me you won't get scared or do anything stupid."

Enid: "Hey rude! Fine I promise."

Wednesday: "Me and thing broke into Walt's room an-"


Wednesday: "Enid let me finish."

Enid: "Fine, this outta be good."

Wednesdays POV

As I explain to Enid what happened. I saw her face turn from red to pale, fast. Enid grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't hug back of course but something made me want to. I felt her grip tighten as her hands moved down to my waist. Making our chests touch. She dips her face down into my neck. I just stands there and stare at Thing on my desk. He gives me a thumbs up. I give him a death stare before Enid lets go.

She runs over to Thing giving him a fist bump. As she gives Thing a first bump she observes what he wrote.

Enid: "So that's the number that was on his face."

Wednesday: "Yes, we need to find the book. I feel it could be of great importance."

Enid: "So where do you think it could be?"

Wednesday: "I think it could either be hidden in Walt's room with Gabriel or in the Library, but if Walt cared about a book so much I think he would keep it in his dorm."

Enid: "Okay we'll do you want to go now or tomorrow during school."

Wednesday: "It is awfully late so tomorrow during school. We can tell Mrs. Janet that we have to use the bathroom. Then we can sneak into his room."

Enid: "How exactly are we gonna get into his room."

I pull a key out of my pocket and hand it to Enid. She looks at me in disbelief then smiles.

Enid: "And where did you find such a thing Addams?"

Wednesday: "We'll Sinclair I found that the teacher keeps files on every kid at Nevermore, also she keeps spare keys. I found his file and grabbed the key."

Enid: "Well aren't you just brilliant."

Enid hands me the key. I head over to my desk and place the key in a drawer closing it.

Enid: "Wednesday, how do your wounds feel. We haven't cleaned them in a while and I think we need to clean them."

Wednesday: "I feel a lot better and yes I think we need to clean them."

I walk over to my bed laying on my stomach. I watch as Enid runs over and grabs the supplies. I catch myself staring at her. I quickly look away as thing is sitting on the other side.

Thing: "Don't get all touchy over this."

Wednesday: "Oh be quiet, I'm not afraid to break a few fingers."

Thing: "Someone can't handle the truth."

I watch as thing slips off the bed and goes under it. I turn my head back around when I feel hands pressed onto my back.

The Angel and Devil (Wenclair)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon