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i suddenly open my eyes, blinking to clear my vision, when i see jihye next to me. i'm laying on my bed, it's already the next morning.

"gosh! it's so hard to wake you up."

i look at her confused, sitting up. my head hurts like hell. memories from last night invade my mind, the campfire, the hooded boy, jungkook, blood.. him.

"oh my.."

"what's wrong?"

"the blood, i.."
i check my clothes, i'm not wearing the same clothes i was yesterday, i feel completely disoriented.

"what blood?"

it wasn't a nightmare, right? it felt so real.

she gives me a worried look.
"well, hurry up and get ready, we're going to be late for class."

i quickly stand up and start to get ready.
yes, it has to be a nightmare..


during lunch break, everyone sits around the canteen to eat, including jihye and i.

"by the way, i couldn't find you yesterday to help with my english test, would you mind helping me a little now?"

"oh no, i completely forgot! of course, i'll help you now."
i start doing so with her grammar and pronunciation when everyone in the room becomes silent all of a sudden.

i see all the girls staring at the same direction, whispering between them, so i follow their gaze.

and then i see him.

he makes his way across the canteen, walking past some tables. all the girls stare a him as if he was some kind of celebrity. i swear some of them are even drooling.

i can't blame them, he's attractive. his dark hair is perfectly messy, falling onto his forehead, giving him the sexy and rebellious look that drive girls crazy. his body looks very athletic, it's slim but well toned and defined.

he walks with his hands in his pockets, his beautiful dark eyes not making contact with anyone as he walks with confidence and indifference, feeling like the hot bastard he is.

suddenly, a smile forms on his plump lips before leaving through the opposite door, and half the girls nearly pass out.
pff, arrogant.

"he gets hotter everyday. thank god he doesn't speak, imagine all these girls trying to flirt with him."

i look at jihye with big eyes.

"do you know how many love letters he has received? girls thought that because he can't speak, he could at least write them back, but he hasn't responded to anyone."

i now look at her with complete confusion.
"he doesn't speak?"

"something happened to him and he stopped talking, but i don't know the whole story. he's the principal's son, that's why he has the freedom to walk around the girl's side."

that leaves me stunned. he spoke very normally to me yesterday. it was him, right? those dark eyes are unmistakable.

"what is his name?"

"jimin, park jimin."


"he totally dazzled you, didn't he?"

"let's just focus on your english test."
i put my eyes back on the paper but not before i see a smile on her lips.


after eating, i go straight back to my room to rest before the afternoon class when a knock on the door surprises me.

i stand up, when i see a piece of paper on the floor, as if someone slid it under the door.

i directly open the door and look both sides of the corridor. nothing.

i stepped back into my room and shut the door, picking up the paper.

i freeze when i read what it has written on it.

"don't forget how beautiful you are,
and that you are mine, only mine."


"you have a secret admirer!"
jihye scream excitedly as i show her the note i received. two days have passed since i got it.

"this is like one of those romantic dramas, sending love letters like romeo and juliet."

"it's not a love letter."
i'm not as excited as her. i have no idea who could've written it, and those possessive words give me goosebumps.

i don't want to think it was the killer.. he couldn't have come here, right?

"you're not eating?"
jihye asks worried. food is a very sensible topic for her, as she has a few eating disorders.
"you only ate half your food yesterday, you need to eat more y/n."

i know that, but since i lost my parents, i've lost appetite, eating has become a burden for me. my psychologist said it's part of my depression.

"is something wrong?"

i fake a smile. i still didn't tell her about my parents.
"i'm fine. don't worry, i'll eat something later."

and suddenly, the whole place becomes silent, only a few whispers can be heard.
it happens everyday. it's always because of jimin.

he crosses the canteen looking as attractive as always, all the girls staring at him as he walks.

he passes us without even looking. he's very strange. once he's out, all the girls start talking about him.

"ugh.. i wish he could speak."

"no one's perfect."
i say annoyed. yes, jimin is mysterious and very attractive, a killer combination in a man. but when he spoke to me, he hadn't been nice at all.

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