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it's a boy with light brown hair, he's just staring at me shamelessly. somehow, my heart races just staring back.

he's leaning against a pillar, holding a plastic cup in his hand. he seems so familiar..
those eyes.. i'm getting nervous, but for a strange reason i can't look away.

a smile lifts up his whole face as he raises the cup and takes a sip. i furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

jungkook's voice brings me back to reality, and i turn to him taking the drink.
"thank you."

"no problem. did hani leave already?"


"thank goodness, that girl is a bit of a creep."
his words made me come up with questions again.
"what do you mean?"

"well she has some kind of reputation here.. she has flirted with nearly every guy from the first floor."

"even with you?"

he raises an eyebrow, a soft smirk curving his lips.
"why? you don't want her to flirt with me?"

i feel my cheeks flushing.
"no.. just curious!"

he laughs a little.
"no, she didn't, but sometimes i feel like she's watching me."

"really? that's weird.. sorry for introducing you, i didn't know."

"it's fine."
he gives me a calm smile.
"i guess you're probably wondering how things like this and the campfire can happen in a psychiatric."

"actually yes, i realized the security here is really bad."

"honestly i think they all know what we do, but they act like they don't. maybe they think it's beneficial for us somehow."

"you might be right."
i'm about to say more when i raise my gaze and freeze.


he's walking towards us, wearing his usual black hoodie but not over his head. with his hands in his pockets, his dark eyes meet mine for an instant.

what is he doing here? and why am i getting so worked up about it?

he walks right past us and joins a group of people, but he doesn't speak to anyone.



jungkook wiggled his hand before my eyes.

"i'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"it doesn't matter."

"i'm sorry jungkook, i was.."

"admiring jimin?"

my eyes open wide.
"no of course not."

he pats my head playfully.
"you look cute while lying."

"i'm not though!"

he keeps patting my head.
"okay.. okay.."

i smile a little.
"now stop doing that, i'm not a kid."

he pinches my nose.


he pinched my waist and i jump in surprise, not being able to hold a little laugh.

"jungkook, i'm serious!"

he lets out a cute giggle.

"am i interrupting something?"
jihye asks appearing out of nowhere with a cheeky smile on her face.

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