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after talking to dr. kim about my next session, i walk back to my room. i wonder if jimin is still here.

i enter and turn on the lights, i look everywhere even under my bed. maybe he decided to go back after all.

why am i disappointed that he's not here?
i hate him.. i don't like him at all.

"now you owe me a kiss."

i throw myself on the bed, blushing, when i feel something underneath me. i sit up and see a note. it's from jimin..

a huge smile lifts my lips when i read it.

"i had to go, but i'll be back ;)
you owe me something, remember?
ps. next time don't put your umbrella under your bed, i nearly got stabbed.
- jimin."

i can't help but chuckle at the note. jimin is really weird, he acts like he doesn't like me but he's always everywhere i go. and i can't help but feel special, why does he only speak to me?

and suddenly, while looking at the note, the alarm in my head goes off. i quickly run up to my night table and open the drawer, taking the other two mysterious notes i received.

i compare the writing with jimin's, feeling my heart in my throat. but i let out a long sigh. it's not him, the handwritings are slightly different. but then, if it's not jimin.. who is it?


i decide to go and take a shower and freshen up my mind. i let the hot water run down my body and i close my eyes.

the first imagines that comes to my mind is jimin's face only centimeters away from mine. i blush immediately, and open my eyes again.

i finish my shower and start dressing up when someone comes into the bathroom.


i turn around confused and i find a very excited hani.
"i was looking for you."


"of course, you're my friend."

"i am?"

she laughs a little and pinches my cheek.
"you're so funny! look, there's another campfire tonight, i thought you'd like to come."

"sorry but i'm not in the mood for that."
i walk past her.

"come on, don't be so boring."

i turn around.
"excuse me?"

"yes, you're being boring going to bed so early."

"no i'm not."

she sighs.
"look, i know i've been an inconsistent friend.."

"friend? we're not friends, hani. the first day we met, you left me alone surrounded by dozens of strangers. do you have any idea how i felt? so no, there's no way i'm going again with you."
i say before stepping out and closing the door behind me.


when i get to my room, i see jihye waiting in front of my door, wearing a jacket over her shoulders.

she smiles and i notice she's wearing makeup.

"let me guess.. you're going to the campfire?"

"you already know?"


"are you coming?"

"i don't know.."
i say opening the door and sitting on my bed.

jihye enters and closes the door behind her.
"but you have to come, i don't want to go alone."

"but jihye.. i-"

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