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6 months ago.. , yoongi's pov

her tears.. that's the first thing that catches my attention. she just came out of her session with her psychiatrist crying, so consumed in her tears that she didn't even notice me sitting on the bench.

bored, i stand up and decide to go after her, the cold wind of winter making me out my hands in my pockets.

don't misunderstand me, she isn't anything i haven't seen before but i'm bored, and i'm not in the mood for another session with my psychiatrist.

he had been interesting at first but the moment i started being able to manipulate him easily i lost all my interest.

i can hear her faint sobs in the empty, silent street.

i'm very curious to know what things can be happening in the life of someone that looks so normal, so perfect for having to be attending a psychiatric and leaving it crying like this.

depression? anxiety? stress? some eating disorder? what is it?

i'm walking so close behind her that i can smell her sweet perfume, it surprises me how she still didn't notice me.

i want to speak to her, start a stupid conversation with an 'are you okay?'. however, i slow done my pace when i see a black car following me slowly through the corner of my eye.

i stop, the car stopping too. i turn to face it and start walking towards it.

the driver's dark window starts moving down slowly. i recognize the man in a black uniform, and i speak with a tired tone.
"now you follow me?"

jimin smiles.
"as egocentric as always."

"am i in trouble, official?"
i can't hide the mockery in my voice.

jimin keeps giving me that insincere smile.
"i wasn't following you."
his eyes fall to the girl that keeps walking down the street.

"you're following her? well.. well.."
this is getting interesting.
"is she a criminal?"

jimin sighs.
"no, taehyung asked me to watch over her for a few days."

i join my eyebrows.
"taehyung? why would my precious brother that claims to hate you ask you to do that?"

"you don't know?"
he slides his hand along the steering wheel, lifting his chin to point at the girl as he stares at her.
"that's his girl."

"his girl? but he's.."

going out with our new neighbor.
"that girl is our neighbor?"

"it seems you haven't met your brother's new catch."

"why would i do that? i don't like wasting my time."

jimin narrows his eyes.
"and why were you following her?"

i shrug my shoulders, a smile lifting my lips.
"i was going to kill her."

"i don't think so, she's not your type."

i keep smiling.
"you know me so well."

"i wish i didn't."

"oh come on, we are practically brothers, growing up together in the orphanage was so much fun, until i was adopted by that stupid family."

"that family fed you and took care of you, don't be ungrateful."

i roll my eyes.
"what's next? you're gonna ask me to live and honor them?"

"i can't as you to do the impossible, and frankly i don't care."

"now i'm curious, why would taehyung ask you to follow her?"

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