𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮: 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗿

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Who said that?

Your past experiences with grownups had taught you the importance of speed, so you quickly hid behind the statue. Luckily, you were small, and the thick bushes managed to conceal you. You peered across the water in the direction of the voice.

The first thing you saw was a white-haired fairy. Just like you, the fairy was floating. She wore a dark blue cape patterned with stars.

"C'mon, Traveler!" the fairy said, waving to someone behind her. "Don't keep Paimon waiting!"

Further up the path to the mountain, a girl emerged from behind some trees. Her short yellow hair was adorned with flowers, and she wore a white dress that trailed behind her in the wind.

She's so pretty!

You had seen lots of pretty ladies before. They used to come to your house when your mama wasn't around. Your papa would smile at them and act all nice. He never acted like that towards you.

Those ladies hadn't been nice to you, either. They looked at you as if you were a bug. This girl was different. Her face didn't have any makeup on it, yet she was way prettier than your papa's friends. Her eyes were serious, and a little sad. You wanted to give her a big hug and cheer her up!

But... what if she turns out to be a meanie, too?

You weren't taking any chances. Burrowing deeper into the leaves, you watched as Paimon and the Traveler approached the statue.

The Traveler stepped forward and placed her palm against the base of the statue. There was a bright flash of turquoise, and a ball of light flew towards the Traveler. When it touched her, parts of her outfit began to glow turquoise.

Both Paimon and the Traveler looked surprised. You were surprised, too.

Mr. Sta-choo is finally awake?

"Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world?" Paimon asked excitedly. "Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!"

A-ne-mo? Is that the floaty ball that flew out just now?

"As much as they may want it, people in this world can never get ahold of powers as easily as you, Lumine," Paimon continued.

For the first time, the girl named Lumine spoke. "I think I know why, it's because..."

Paimon interrupted. "Uh-huh, it's because you're not from this world to begin with!"

You let out a small gasp. Neither Paimon nor Lumine seemed to have heard you, fortunately.

Did Lumi also fall through the magic portal in the ground? Is she... from my world?

"If we keep heading west from here, we'll eventually reach Mondstadt, the City of Freedom," Paimon said. "Mondstadt is the city of wind, because they worship the God of Anemo. So perhaps, because you got power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there. Let's go!"

Lumine nodded, and she and Paimon turned to leave. You decided to follow them, although you were careful to keep your distance so you wouldn't be spotted.


You were about to enter the forest when you heard a voice speak in a language you had never heard before. It sounded like "Gusha! Kundala!" and it was coming from right behind you!

"Waaaah!" You leaped out of the way as a monster with thick fur swung at you with a wooden club. The effort knocked you off balance, and you fell onto the ground with an unsteady thump. "O-ow!"

The monster raised its club to strike you again. It was wearing a mask. You could almost imagine your parents' faces behind that mask.

It's because I've been bad, isn't it?

Closing your eyes and shielding your face with your arms, you prepared for the painful blow.

"Leave that child alone!" A sword flashed between you and the monster, knocking its club out of its hands, and you looked up in shock.

It's Lumi!

After Lumine defeated the hilichurl with a few precise strikes of her sword, she knelt next to you. "Hey, don't cry..."

You sniffed tearfully. "Uwaaa..."

"There, there. You're safe now, don't you see?" said Lumine, patting your cheek. "Where are your parents? I can take you back to—"

"No!" Hastily, you wiped your tears away. "(Y/N) won't cry anymore. (Y/N) will be good! Just don't take (Y/N) back home."

Startled, Lumine said, "But..."

"Take (Y/N) with you instead! (Y/N) wants to stay with you. You can be (Y/N)'s big sister!"

"Sorry, but I already have a sibling," Lumine said apologetically. Her eyes grew distant, as if she were gazing at something beyond you. "His name is Aether... my brother. I haven't seen him in a very long time. I hope he's doing okay."

Sensing her sadness, you squeezed her tightly in a hug. "Don't be sad, Big Sis Lumi. (Y/N) will help you find your brother!"

Lumine smiled down at you, giving your hand a squeeze in return. "Alright. It's too dangerous for you to travel around alone in this world, so you can be my little (brother/sister)."

"How old are you, anyways, (Y/N)?" Paimon asked.

You held up your fingers. "Don't know. Could be three... or five... or two... or zero." You didn't really know any numbers bigger than five.

"Are you hungry, (Y/N)? Do you want anything to eat before we head off?" Lumine asked.

Your eyes lit up, and you plopped down next to your new big sister, forgetting your fear instantly. "Sweet Flower! (Y/N) wants Sweet Flower!"

With a smile, Lumine pulled a Sweet Flower out of her inventory. To you, it looked like she was pulling it out of thin air. You cackled gleefully and stuck it into your mouth like a lollipop, holding the stem in your hands.

"Big Sis Lumi, you're so cool!" you said, your words muffled by the Sweet Flower.

"You're not just saying that because I'm giving you food, are you?" Lumine asked playfully, poking your cheek.

"Noooo... Big Sis Lumi is strong and amazing. (Y/N) likes her a lot."

Paimon set down the apple she was munching on and protested, "Hey, what about Paimon?"

"Paimon... hmm. Paimon knows lots of things, but (Y/N) doesn't know anything. (Y/N) wants to be friends with Paimon, too."

"Yay! Paimon's so happy to have a new friend," Paimon cheered. "Paimon will make you a special rhyme. Hmm... I know!

(Y/N), (Y/N), you're so cute!
You're cuter than a... um... Dihua flute!"

You clapped your hands and giggled, dribbling Sweet Flower juice down your chin. Lumine, meanwhile, sighed. Somehow she had gone from being a traveler to a babysitter.


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