𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟰: 𝗛𝗮𝘁 𝗚𝘂𝘆

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That night, Ivan rocked you gently for almost a whole hour. It was evident that his arms were getting sore, because he started shifting his weight, yet he still held you tightly until he was sure you were asleep.

I'll pretend to be asleep. I don't want Big Brother Ivan to get tired because of me.

But even after Ivan set you down on his cot, even after his breathing became deep and even, you couldn't fall asleep. Though you held in your sobs, not wanting to wake anyone, your eyes felt too heavy to open and too sore to close. You scooped up some snow and watched it melt on your fingers, which were already wet from your tears.

The snow is just like me... it melts so easily and then there's water everywhere.

You squeezed your hand into a fist, crushing the delicate snowflakes inside, and hot tears spilled down your cheeks.

I wish I weren't so weak. I wish I were strong like Big Sis or Ms. Whopperflower.

Right on cue, a message appeared from the System, seemingly conjured from your thought.

Right on cue, a message appeared from the System, seemingly conjured from your thought

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Getting into his tent was the easy part, since the Fatui agent was fast asleep. Staring at him, so vulnerable and peaceful in his sleep, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

It's not fair.

I cry and cry, and this mean grownup just sleeps peacefully, even though he hurt me. I feel slimy all over, like... like a yucky stepped-on snail. And he...

Suddenly, you recalled a phrase your mother had often said to you: "This world would be better off without you."

Will this world really be better off without him? Maybe... I don't need to get rid of him. Maybe I can turn him good. I can purify him!

You created a tiny bubble on your fingertips and floated it into the grownup's mouth. At first, he didn't seem to notice. You waited a few seconds and added a second bubble.

He tried to take in a breath and coughed up the water. His eyes flew open. Perhaps he thought this was a bad dream.

"Now, now, you bad patient. This water will fix you," you told him sternly, pretending to be a doctor. The look on his face was so funny—like a fish out of water! And the bubbles were just like little vitamin pills. You added two more bubbles. "You should listen to Dr. (Y/N), you bad patient. Drink your water. Water is um-portant 'cause if you don't drink enough, the sun will melt you like a snowman!"

Even when he retched and choked, gasping for air, you forced more bubbles down his throat, clenching your hand into a fist. A stream of bubbles shot into his nostrils, into his ears, into every available opening.

Your smile disappeared.

This is for what you did to me... Mister Mean Grownup. I'm going to purify you.

Water from the bubbles leaked out of the grownup's eyes. He looked like he was crying. He looked like one of those statues in the fountains, the kind that spews water.

Good... now that you're crying, I know you feel bad for what you did. That means that you're purified!

You opened your hand, and the bubbles receded. The grownup twitched and fell still. At the same moment, the quest screen flickered and changed, the words turning bright green.

You stared in disbelief at the motionless figure of the Fatui agent—and smiled in satisfaction

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You stared in disbelief at the motionless figure of the Fatui agent—and smiled in satisfaction.

There's only one explanation! I turned him so good, he went straight to heaven and became an angel!

You waved at the sky at the invisible mean grownup, who you imagined to be watching you from heaven. "You can thank (Y/N) by giving (Y/N) the fast pass to heaven!"


On your way back to the new recruits' tent, you felt... good. Like you'd just had a tasty treat to eat, and now you were energized. The feeling of numbing coldness on your arms had retreated.

But then you heard a noise. It was coming from the tent at the far end of the camp, the biggest one. It sounded like... a faint sob.

You rubbed your eyes to make sure it wasn't you crying. Nope, it definitely wasn't you. But if it wasn't you, who could it be?

Without even realizing it, you veered off-course from your original destination of Ivan's tent. You hesitated at the entrance to the tent.

What if it's another mean grownup?

But the sob came again, louder this time, and you remembered how alone you had felt earlier. You didn't want anyone else to feel like that. You slid the flap aside and peeked inside.


This tent was huge—all you could see was a bed and a figure lying on it. A real bed! How come this grownup got a bed while everyone else got scratchy old blanket rolls?

Life is so unfair...

Tiptoeing closer to the grownup, you realized it wasn't really a grownup. It was only... a half-grownup. He had short hair, such a dark blue that it was almost violet, and his face was dainty, almost doll-like. There was a symbol on his chest that reminded you of electricity.

As you watched, the boy clutched his pillow, tears streaking down his cheeks. The soft lines of his faces constricted in anguish. All your anger at him vanished in that instant.

Ah... is he having a nightmare?

"No... don't... leave me, Mother..." the boy whispered, his voice muffled by the sheets.

When I have nightmares, I always want hugs. I'll give him a nice big hug!


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