𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱: 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗸 𝗥𝗲𝗲𝗳

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"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow..."

A soothing lullaby. The rustle of leaves. Waking from a deep sleep, these were the first things you noticed.

"Ah, you're awake, little mushroom... finally." Venti's turquoise eyes twinkled down at you. "Had a good adventure in the land of nod?"

You shook your head vigorously in response. No way! I had a scary adventure... but I beat all the meanies.

"A nightmare, huh." Venti nodded sympathetically. "I've had my fair share of—I mean, I see. That doesn't sound fun."

Lord Bar-bar is hiding something, you noted with interest. Until you figured out where you were, though, you weren't going to pry.

You floated a few inches off Venti's lap to survey your surroundings. Your whole body felt light. Just how long had you been asleep? And where were you?

The ocean was the first thing you noticed. Boundlessly vast, it surrounded the grassy island you were on. Down below, in a shallow cove soft with sand, there was a stone archway that looked like a portal, and beyond that, another island. The two islands cupped the portal like a pair of hands, shielding it from outside view.

The islands themselves were quite bare. Here and there, a few fir trees grew, but no squirrels climbed up the trees, and no birds perched in the branches. Way off in the distance, you caught sight of a landmass on the horizon. Was that Mondstadt, all the way over there?

Noticing your curiosity, Venti explained, "Somehow, you ended up here in Musk Reef. I don't know how that happened. I thought you were well protected from the wind."

Yeah, but not from myself, Lord Bar-bar.

"You slept for quite a while. You were still asleep when I found you floating out at sea. If I hadn't spotted you, you might've drifted out of Teyvat and into the fearsome Dark Sea!" Venti was still smiling, but you got the feeling he knew more than he was letting on.

"Chirp! Burble? Bur-bur?" you asked, meaning, Why are you here, Lord Bar-bar?

Venti seemed to understand you, because he waved his hand carelessly. "Oh, just checking on one of my finest creations."


"Say," Venti said, changing the topic abruptly, "did you know that Lord Barbatos once tossed part of Pilos Peak into the ocean? It used to be the tallest mountain in Teyvat. What an inspiring deity, huh? Makes a bard want to create songs about him. Alas, no one knows who Barbatos is, and he hasn't been seen in many years."

Uhhh... but you're Barbatos. Stop trying to trick me! I'm smart! I'm no dummy-shroom!

You pointed at him sternly. "Bur-bur!"

"Ehehe... I have no idea what you're getting at. I'm just a humble bard." Smiling mischievously, Venti poked the top of your head gently. "So tell me. What's a little mushroom like you doing in Musk Reef?"

"I got transported by the system to a weird place!" Excited to tell someone about your adventure in the Ascension domain, you began squeaking happily.

While you spoke, Venti nodded along as if he understood. Encouraged, you told him the whole story—how you'd found yourself in a dark corridor, defeated all the hilichurls in your Activated state, and unlocked the Bubble Shield...

When you finished telling the story, quite out of breath, he said briskly, "So... you were blown here by the wind. Is that what you're saying?"

"Bwah!" Annoyed that you'd wasted your breath, you thumped Venti on the head with a short, squishy tentacle. Suddenly, you remembered that Venti had left you all alone in that big statue's hands, and your annoyance intensified. "Gwerrrr.... murble gwerble..." You whacked his green cap with your tentacles like it was a drum, which had no effect on him, though he pretended to be terrified for your sake.

"Ah, little mushroom! Have mercy on this poor bard!"

Certain that you'd gotten your revenge on Venti, you waved your tentacles in triumph. "Chirble!"

"Chirble indeed," Venti agreed.


Having forgiven Venti, you spent the morning playing with him. It was nice playing tag with someone who could also fly. In the back of your mind, however, you couldn't help but wonder how you'd gotten to Musk Reef. There seemed to be only one explanation:

I came out of that weird circle-portal. That means... the scary place is in there?

But when you touched the portal, it was dark—just a plain ol' archway. There were no swirling, glowing effects anywhere, nor any sign that the portal had ever been magical.

You tried asking Venti about the portal, but he dodged the question as if you were playing metaphorical tag. "That weird stone archway? Huh, looks like it's been here for a long time. As for how it got here... only Lord Barbatos knows!"

"Gwerble!" You thumped him on the head again, making him laugh. What you really meant was: "Don't change the subject, Lord Bar-bar!"

Unfortunately, Venti knew your weakness. "Bet you can't catch me!" he teased, creating a wind current upwards.

Instantly, your attention was diverted. "Mrrrp!" you squeaked angrily, chasing after him. Thanks to your 64 Agility, you weren't as hopelessly outpaced as you would have been. Still, Venti was fast, almost as if he were a breeze himself. He was kind enough to create wind currents for you to follow.

You didn't notice that you were approaching the mainland until the cliffs at the eastern edge of Mondstadt came into view. Unable to stop in time, you flew straight into Venti's arms, knocking him over.

"Wow, you're strong, little mushroom!" After getting to his feet, Venti eyed you in surprise. "And you're fast, too. Why didn't I notice last time?"

You basked in his praise. "Chirhirhir..."

"Say, since you're so fast, could I ask you to do me a favor? There's something that belongs to me, but it's being kept in the Favonius Cathedral. I'm going to retrieve it, but I might need some help if things don't go to plan."

You shook your head firmly. No can do, Lord Bar-bar! This mushroom doesn't do favors for free.

"I'll treat to a song..."

Nope. I can sing to myself!

"Some wine, then?"

Yucky brain-poison juice. Papa always liked it, so I don't!

"...How about some Sweet Flowe—"

"Chirbleee!" You nodded before Venti even finished the sentence and spun in a pleased circle. "Chirp!"

Venti sighed in relief and hugged you tighter, preparing to take off. "Then let's go! Time is ticking, and the tale of the little mushroom hero and their bard companion begins now!"


The Adventures of a Mushroom | Genshin x Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now