𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟯: 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗶 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽

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By the time you reached the Fatui camp, it was snowing lightly. You rode in Ivan's arms, since he didn't want your feet to get cold ("You're not wearing boots!"). Gazing down into a small valley, you saw a cluster of navy-blue tents, each embossed with a silver emblem, beside a crystal-clear lake. Campfires blazed, sending thin plumes of smoke into the sky.

Strangely, though, the camp was quite empty. There were only a few grownups standing around the perimeter. Most of them nodded at Ivan, but one of them, a lanky woman in a purple hood, moved to block your path.

"Ivan!" she squealed, flinging herself upon him. "You're back!" She saw you and backed up three whole steps. "...Ugh, who's that?"

"Oh, this is (Y/N), my new friend." Ivan smiled at you. "Don't worry, they're with me, so they're allowed access to the camp."

The woman stepped closer and walked her fingers up Ivan's neck. Her lips practically touching Ivan's beet-red ears, she cooed, "Hmm, I don't know. You could be sneaking in a Mondstadtian spy. How about this? Give me a kiss, and I'll let you in."

Ivan's smile began to look forced. "N-no thanks, Rena."

You studied Rena's face. Something about her seemed familiar, like you'd seen her before. Was it the green hair? Or the purple clothes?

"Come on. Just a wittle teensy kiss. Don't you like me, Ivan?" Rena pouted, displaying ample cleavage.

"Er... no," Ivan replied politely.

"Hmph!" Rena stomped her foot in the snow. "Ever since I failed that stupid mission, no one's been talking to me! And the Lord Harbinger put me on guard duty and I have to stand in the cold every. Single. Day! It's so unfair! I—" She caught sight of Ivan's superior, the Fatui agent, behind you, and swallowed her words. "Uh, welcome back, comrades."

OH! I remember now! She's the lady who tried to steal the Holy Lyre!

But I stopped her. By stealing it first! Hehe!

[Status Update: Intelligence +3]

The Fatui agent scowled. "Enough chitchatting. Kid, come with me to my tent. Ivan, you—"

"Um, sir," Rena broke in, "who exactly is this kid?" She pointed at you, obviously hoping to get you in trouble.

Ivan replied, "They're our guest," at the same time as the Fatui agent said, "Our prisoner."

There was an awkward pause.

Before the silence could become even more awkward, Ivan broke in with a guileless smile. "Oh, sir. You shouldn't make jokes like that in front of (Y/N)." To you, he added with a conspiratorial wink, "He's always making jokes like that. Saying stuff like 'Let's torture the prisoners' and 'Let's experiment on the children'—but I know we Fatui are a noble organization. We would never do anything like that!"

"Oh!" You nodded. "(Y/N) gets it now!"

So Mister Mean Grownup was only joking! Hmph, he's not funny.

The Fatui agent coughed into his glove. "Ivan, what in the name of Her Majesty are you talking about? I wasn't jok—"

"Anyways, sir," Ivan continued, "now that we're back at the camp, the first thing to do is report back to the Lord Harbinger, right?"

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