𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬: 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗟𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲?

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In your dreams, you found yourself in a field of giant yellow flowers. Soft petals furled towards the sun, catching the warm light from a blue sky. A single petal could easily become a blanket for you. Had the flowers grown big, or were you just tiny?

You climbed carefully to your feet and brushed pollen off your clothes, and that was when you saw a white-haired girl sitting in another flower nearby. She was the same girl you'd seen in your other dream.

When she saw you, her green eyes lit up with relief. "It worked!" She swam up into the air and landed on the petal next to you. "I'm so glad it worked."

Remembering her warning about your powers last time, you fidgeted nervously. You hadn't used Erase, so why was she here? "A-are you the magic police? Is (Y/N) in trouble?"

"No, I'm a friend. I've been watching your journey with great interest, since I don't go out much myself. I'm rooting for you," the girl responded sincerely. "However... I'm here to warn you about something else this time. It's important."

As she spoke, the dream began to fade, as though streaks of water were blurring a painting. The yellow flowers swayed and bent in a wind so strong that some of the petals flew away.

I must be waking up!

"Wait!" Her eyes widening, she reached for you. Light slipped through her fingers, and she cried, "You have to watch out. Don't try to—" Her voice cut out like radio static, then resumed. "Watch out for the—"


A cold breeze blew in through the open window, scented with ripening grapes. You rubbed your eyes and sniffled a little, shivering from the cold. Sensing the noise, Diluc stirred. As you debated on whether you should wake him up or not, his eyes, red as blood, fluttered open and landed on you.

A faint smile tugged at his lips. Still half-lost in a dream, he murmured, "Oh, it's you. It's been... such a long time."

Ohhh no. This is bad. If he remembers me...!

Diluc must have dozed off again, because a few minutes later, he blinked in confusion, seeming to become fully awake. "Sorry, who are you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "You look... familiar, but I can't quite place where I've seen you before."

Heaving a sigh of relief, you said, "(Y/N) is (Y/N)!" Deciding the only way to save yourself from being remembered was to bombard Diluc with questions, you blurted, "Your house is cool! Can (Y/N) have it? Hey, why is your hair red? Is it 'cause you ate too many strawberries? Your table is really long. Do you not like to talk to people? Did you know that you have lotsa grapes outside? Grapes are really good. Grape jelly is (Y/N)'s second favorite. Know what's (Y/N)'s first favorite? It's strawberry! And you're a strawberry! Isn't that super-amazing?"

Diluc's confused expression indicated that your strategy had worked. He undid his ponytail, allowing the long red hair to fall freely to his waist, and began tying it up again. Glancing at you sideways, he said, "How did you get inside my house?"

When in doubt, blame it on someone else!

Pointing at the unconscious Fatui, you said, "(Y/N) saw scary grownups! So (Y/N) tried to warn you! But you were asleep."

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