030. it's all your fault!

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      THE GROUP STOOD BY a creek. it had already been an entire night. tyreese was washing his shirt in the murky water because it was covered in walker guts, which was gross.

estella had wet her hair, because it was all sweaty with the running. michonne put it in a small ponytail after, since estella's hair was getting longer and she could actually put it in one now. she had never been able to do that before.

michonne had become quite like her mother in a couple of ways, along with beth who was like an older sister.

daryl, jack, estella, bob and michonne all stood on the wooden bridge whilst they waited for tyreese to finish up.

"that okay, sweetie?" michonne asked, estella nodded.

"yeah, thank you." estella said, feeling thankful that her hair wasn't touching her neck anymore.

"this is turner creek, so barnesville must be a few miles down stream." jack turned to look at daryl.

"sounds like our first chance of finding a new ride." bob said.

"yo, ty!" daryl yelled down to the man still near the creek. "come on, let's go. vámonos."

he didn't listen, he just continued to clean his shirt. he hadn't been listening a whole lot to anything anybody said. estella wasn't sure why he came on the run anyways when he wasn't even in the right head space to listen to what people were telling him.

"that damn man's getting on my nerves." estella huffed.

"he's just lost his girlfriend n' his sister's sick. he doesn't know what he's doin' with himself." daryl told her.

"it's life, it's what happens now. i just lost someone, and my sister is sick. you don't see me moping around in a creek cleaning my already clean t-shirt." estella shrugged, daryl sighed.

"stop being such a negative nellie." he replied.

"because you're so positive polly." she joked, poking his side.

"because you're so positive polly." he copied her.

"don't start this."

"don't start this."



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