𝟎𝟒𝟐, emergency hug!

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Maggie was a wreck. she hadn't stopped crying. estella felt horrible about it. nobody in the group had spoken to her, except ottie, and she was beginning to feel like they really did believe that it was her fault. daryl hadn't spoken a word to her, or even been next to her.

the past three weeks really hadn't been easy. they had lost tyreese due to a walker bite in virginia, and also any hope of a new world since eugene revealed that he didn't have a cure. he was just a scared man that lied for protection.

she was still coated in dawn's blood, she had nothing to clean herself up with. all the creeks had dried up due to the weather, so she couldn't even go in one. she just wanted to be clear of the memories the horrible day had held.

because there was no water for her to clean herself with, that meant that there was also no water to drink. she had a bottle in her hand as she walked around the woods trying to find at least a little bit of water so the group didn't dehydrate.

she didn't find any, though.

she sighed, walking back to where the rest of the group was, just as maggie, sasha and daryl also joined them. she didn't even dare to look maggie's way. she just sat herself away from the group, not wanting to feel the tension.

"nobody find nothin'?" rick asked as they came back.

"nope." everyone replied in sync, each sharing disappointed sighs and glances.

"better get drivin' again, then." he sighed, "better to be back on the road. still got sixty miles left."

they all got in their car, silence consuming them. estella sat in the back seat her head resting against the window.

they weren't driving for long, though, when the car came to a stop. they were out of gas in the middle of nowhere with the heavy sun and depression surrounding them.

"we're out, just like the other one." abraham brought the car to a stop.

"so we walk." rick said, as they all got back out of the car and began their journey down the long, hot, sweltering road that seemed to never end.

"we're not at our strongest. we'll get 'em when it's best. high ground, somethin' like that. they're not goin' anywhere. it's been three weeks since atlanta. i know you lost somethin' back there." rick said to daryl, judith in his arms.

daryl disgregarded his words, looking at judith who babbled. "she's hungry."

"she's okay." rick replied. "she's going to be okay."

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