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The Six were put on the bill for the Diamond Head Festival in Hawaii, which would be their first performance since their break.

Graham : Yeah, man, we had been dying to get back out there since everything happened.

Eddie : We were booked on for the middle of the day, but hey, [smiles] at least we were invited.

Bonnie : Yeah, Eddie wasn't thrilled about the time we were booked on for, but I for one could not wait to get back on stage.

Karen : I don't think any of us sat still the whole ride there.

Graham : Once we arrived in Oahu, it started to hit us. We were actually about to perform for a live audience for the first time in, well, a while.

Bonnie : Oh yeah, everyone was shitting bricks once we got there. Nothing a little pre-show drink wouldn't help.

Billy : It was my first time being in that kind of scene since I [pauses] changed my ways. It was hard, you know?

Warren : We huddled as we always did before shows.

Bonnie : None of us seemed to question that Karen and I weren't even from Pittsburgh, but hey, a ritual's a ritual.

Warren : We all briefly greeted Daisy as we were going on stage and she seemed pretty chill about the whole thing.

Billy : Before we went on, I told Daisy that she'd come on for the fourth song and that I'd introduce her.

Daisy : I'm not exactly a patient person.

Graham : Daisy came on as soon as we finished Flip The Switch.

Eddie : [Laughs] Billy was not impressed, to say the least.

Karen : I think we were all a little confused, but it wasn't the biggest deal. We just played Look At Us Now next.

Warren : It was incredible, man. The crowd loved it.

Graham : We were all just feeling it, you know?

Bonnie : Graham and I even had a little riff-off towards the end of the song.

Eddie : Just after we finished playing, Daisy decided she wasn't going anywhere.

Billy : Daisy was supposed to walk off after the song, but she stayed for Look Me In The Eye.

Daisy : [Shrugs] The crowd didn't want me to leave.

Graham : We performed Look Me In The Eye with Daisy and, I mean, I think it went great.

Bonnie : I mean, why not? I liked Daisy's stage presence, she always had a unique way of connecting with the audience.

Karen : The dynamic was different with Daisy, and I mean that in the best way.

Warren : We were all so high on adrenaline after that show, man.

Bonnie : Let's be honest with ourselves here, we were probably high on other things too.

Eddie : We all missed performing so much, it just felt great to get back out there.

Billy : I mean, yeah, it wasn't ideal, but the crowd loved us. All of us.

Daisy : Then there was the interview.

Bonnie : Oh god, [laughs] that interview was shocking.

Graham : [Sighs] We were after performing for the first time in ages, we were tired, hungry, thirsty and hot, it was like a million degrees out there. We were not in shape for an interview.

Karen : Billy completely discredited Daisy during that interview and he kept cutting her off and everything.

Eddie : Grade-A asshole.

Daisy : Motherfucker.

Bonnie : I was caught off guard when the interviewer asked me about the ring on my finger.

Eddie : [Laughs] Oh, for fuck sake.

Graham : We all looked between Bonnie and Warren. [Chuckles] I mean it was just something they would do, isn't it?

Karen : I wouldn't have been shocked if Bonnie and Warren had eloped and forgotten to mention it.

Eddie : Bonnie played it off pretty cool by saying she didn't remember being proposed to.

Warren : Don't look at me like that.

Karen : We weren't used to being asked questions, they were usually directed at Billy.

Bonnie : To clarify, it was not a ring ring. I just liked that ring and it wouldn't fit on any other finger. [Chuckles] I never made the mistake of wearing it again.

Camilla : I remember watching the interview back with Billy. [Shakes head] I was waiting patiently. We all knew it was going to happen eventually.

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