Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
A Confusing Dog Moment

After the earthquake Eve decided instead of fixing her apartment she was just going to buy the house she had visited an hour before the disaster and pack all her things.

"Why do you have to leave me?" Buck complained as he helped his beloved sister put all her packed boxes into a moving van.

"I'm not leaving you, B." Eve told him with an eye roll. "I just need to give Zeus more room and I want a house, not a small apartment."

Buck sighed knowing how right his sister was. "I'm going to miss having you next door."

"Don't." Eve told her brother sternly. "I'm only ten minutes away and you're always welcome."

"I guess that isn't too bad." Buck rolled his eyes playfully.

"Of course it's not to bad."

Once everything was packed into the moving van, Eve hopped into her truck followed by Zeus and Buck. The car ride was like Eve said, ten minutes and they where met by their fellow firefighters and friends.

"I didn't think you'd all come." Eve beamed at the sight of her friends.

"Oh come on." Bobby spoke. "You're growing up in the world, we couldn't miss it."

Before Eve could say more though she saw from the corner of her eye her Australian shepherd jump out of her truck and sprint straight towards Eddie. "Zeus, no!" She shouted at her dog, but it was too late the dog had already lunged at the man happily introducing himself.

Eve quickly ran to Eddie who had barely gotten out of his vehicle. "I'm so sorry." She apologized taking the dog from his arms. "He only does that with me when I get home." Which it was true the only time Zeus never lunged into someone's arms except when she got home from work, he's never even jumped at buck who he sees almost daily, which now that she thought about it, she found it odd that her dog jumped into the unknown man's arms.

Eddie smiled at the blonde and then looked down at the black and white spotted dog who panted happily in his owner's arms. "It's alright, he didn't do any harm." The man spoke as he petted Zeus' head.

Eve again apologized for her dogs actions as she put him firmly on the ground. The pair and dog went back to join the group, and to more of Eve's surprise instead of following at her side, Zeus followed at Eddie's side. "I think my dog may like you more than me." Eve commented from beside Eddie.

"I doubt that." Eddie replied. "I'm just someone new."

"Maybe." Eve nodded catching Eddies eyes.

The three other firefighters looked between each other and then looked at the pair talking about Zeus. It was clear to them that there was something there, and it was also clear that they where the only ones who saw it.

Eve released a cough and turned to the others. "Well, shall we get to transferring everything into my new house." She spoke clapping her hands together.

"Yes." Buck nodded with a slight grin which Eve noticed.

Eve glared at her twin. "Buck do you want to help me get Zeus in the back yard?"

"Isn't that a one person job?" Buck inquired.

"Yes, but I'd like your help, and I can show you around since you'll probably be here everyday."

"In that case, sure." Buck's grin grew causing his twin to roll her eyes.

"Why are you grinning so wide." She questioned once they stepped foot into the house.

"I can tell you like him." He answered with that same smirk and a teasing tone in is voice.

Eve felt her face heat up. "No I do not." she denied her brother's words as she opened the back door to let her dog run around the back yard like a maniac.

"Mhm." Buck nodded, knowing otherwise.

Ignoring her brother, Eve walked out of the house and back outside to start unloading the van and give the others instructions on where she wanted things.

IT ONLY took a hour to unload the furniture and boxes from the van, and about three hours to unpack the boxes.

"As payment for you guys' hard work I will buy dinner." Eve announced to the group. "All you need to do is decide what you want while I go get my phone an wallet."

While Eve walked away her new living room erupted with food ideas.

"Hey Eve." Eddie's voice spoke from behind the blonde as she searched through her room for her purse.

"Oh, have you guys decided already?" She questioned. "Ah-Ha! Found it." She beamed placing her bag that was found in between her bed and nightstand.

"No, I actually have a question for you." He answered with an nervous tone.

Eve quickly noticed his tone and rose from looking in her bag to face the brunette who stood awkwardly at the door way leading to her room. "Is everything ok?" She questioned as her eye brows knitted together.

"Well the team pointed something out to me while you and Buck went to let your dog out and I couldn't stop thinking about it." The nervous brunette began. "And well I came to ask if you wanted to get dinner sometime...just the two of us."

Eve's eyebrows went up slightly and her ears and cheeks turned pink, this was not the question she was expecting, but then again she didn't know what he would ask.

The pair held eye contact for a few moments while Eve processed the question. It didn't take the girl long before she noticed that Eddie was about to have a nervous break down before she answered with a smile forming on her face. "I'd love to have dinner with you."

Eddie released the breath he'd been holding for the past few minutes while he asked the question and while he waited for an answer. "Oh thank God." He sighed, a smile smile creeping onto his face.

"How about Saturday since we're off?" Eve suggested. "Unless you have plans with Chris of course, don't want to come in between father son time."

Eddie chuckled at her words, it brought him comfort that she understood that his son could come in between the dates they may go on. "That works well."

Eve's smile grew. "Wonderful." She beamed.

"Everlyn!" Buck yelled from the living room. "Hurry up would you!"

Eve sighed and rolled her eyes. "I may not feed you Evan" she retorted, turning around and grabbing her wallet from her bag. "Let's go before my dear brother starves."

And again Eddie chuckled at the joke she had just made about her brother, if he where honest this women had turned out to be the one person besides his son to make him smile or laugh in quite sometime. And he liked it a lot.

Sorry it took me a while to write a new chapter, I've been busy with the last month of school. I hope you guys enjoyed the filler that I included into the story, and well if you didn't that's too bad, I'll go back into the show episodes in the next chapter.

On a very good note, I'll be done with school (til next school year) on Friday so I'll have wayyy more time to write both this story and my Stranger Things story.

Hope y'all are well and stay that way until I publish again!

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