Chapter Sixty Two

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S3Ep18-What's Next?

Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors I wanted to go over it but I'm too tired, if yall want to point it out you may.


Chapter Sixty Two
A Train Adventure Full of Stupidity

EVE joined her brother and husband on their journey to the very top of the car that Abby Clark so desperately wanted to get to.

"Got someone," Eddie intro the twins as they climbed in between each seat of the train car."Cap, be advised. Another black tag up here about halfway."

"Copy that," Bobby responded over the radio.

"Sam!" Buck granted a few minutes later when the trio reached the top of the train car, where they first saw Sam hunched over one of the red seats. "Sam! Sam, can you hear me?"

Sam groaned and moved slightly as back moved in front of him, "how you feeling?"

"It hurts." Sam groaned, lifting his head an inch. "Hurts when I breathe." He wheezed as he tried speaking "Please. My fiancée. She's on the train."

Buck glanced at Eve who was pressed against one of the seats, using the one in front of her for her feet so she wouldn't slide down back to where she began.

"She's okay," Buck assured the older man, "captain, I got a passenger pinned up here. Looks like the support beam from the observation deck broke through the floor, need you to send up the jaws, okay?"

"Copy that," Bobby spoke, "coming right up."

"Help is on the way," Buck told same as Eve moved so that she could check on Sam, further than listening to him wheezy as he tried breathing.

A few minutes later Bobby had crawled up to where everyone was and handed over the jaws to Buck.

"He's got a collapsed lung from the blunt force," Eve explained.

"O2 levels are dropping," Eddie added, "I can relive the pressure, but we gotta move this beam off him."

"Still too heavy," Buck grunted after trying to move the beam with the tool Bobby had brought up to them, "it's not gonna budge."

"Alright," Bobby spoke, "let's try the hydraulic ram."

Bobby handed over the Hydraulic ram to Buck, who proceeded to position the tool right where he needed it to move the beam.

As the beam began moving, the group heard someone scream in pain causing Bobby to order Buck to stop.

"We have someone else!" Eve stated, moving quickly to where she heard the scream, finding a girl pinned to the floor of the car. "How are you sweet heart?" Eve questioned

"My side really hurts," The girl groaned an answered.

"Alright, my partner is gonna take a look," Eve informed her. Eddie moved the girls shirt to find that he'd legs had been shoved into her torso.

"Force of the crash pushed her leg into her torso." Eddie informed their captain.

"What?" The girl gasped trying to move.

Eve quickly grabbed her hand, pulling her attention away from moving, "we're going to have to check foot by removing your shoe," she started explaining, not letting go of the girl's hand, "it's going to hurt, but I'm her okay?"

Eddie carefully removed her shoe, causing her to scream at the pain and squeeze Eve's hand.

"There's still a pulse in her foot," Eddie informed. "Blood's still pumping to it."

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