Chapter Fifty Six

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S3ep15- Eddie begins

Chapter Fifty Six
Trapped and Terrified

BUCK quickly grabbed Eve by the shoulders as she was spiraling into a panic attack. "Breath, just breath, okay?"

Eve gripped onto her brother's arm, "he's stuck down there." She gasped between words. "What if he's dead or dies or—or..."

"Eve," Buck raised is voice, slightly shacking the blonde. "You're going to send yourself into a panic attack and it won't do us any good."

Eve took deep breaths, trying to calm herself knowing Buck was right. "I'm okay." She muttered once her breathing evened out.

Eve, I need you to go down there, suit up." Bobby told the blonde who now looked at the camera with desperation, begging for them to see her Husband.

"On it!" She spoke immediately as she blinked back her tears, she wanted to get him back now.

"Wait cap! Shouldn't I go down there?" Buck inquired, he wasn't about to lose his best friend and his sister all in one day.

"Why so we can have another cut rope?" Hen retorted.

"Then send Chimney down, she can't go down!" Buck argued "she's married to him. And not in the right state.

"That's the exact reason I should go down!" Eve argued back. "Because I'll be the most determined and I'll have to come back because I can't leave you. And I'm fine, I'm calm and determined as shit to get that idiotic yet amazing man out of that pipe, so instead of arguing with cap or me, help me suit up!"

"Cameras back." Chimney stated casing Eve to turn back aprons and look at the monitor. "Still can't see camera's underwater."

"Hopefully it's just the camera." Hen spoke.

Eve inhaled through her nose, taking in every scent she could and every feeling she felt on her skin to try and stay calm and able to go down and bring not just Eddie back but Hayden.

Much to bucks dismay he helped his sister suit up and lower down the hole that his best friend was trapped in after cutting his rope to save the kid that had found his way into the pipe to begin with.

Eve was sent down the hole that was dug hours earlier in hopes to find he husband alive and with the little boy.

"Eddie!" She shouted as she got closer and closer. "Eddie," Eve sighed in relief when she saw the face of the man she loved with every fiber of her being.

"Hey," Eddie laughed happy to see his wife.

"Thank God you're okay." Eve muttered. "I was afraid—that doesn't matter, just thank God I don't have to save your idiot ass."

"No," Eddie breathed, reaching out for Eve's hand that was still slightly shaking. "Hayden and I are just fine, right?"

Hayden nodded as Eddie handed him over to Eve. "Let's get you guys out of here." Eve instructed. "Hayden, imma take you up to see your mama, okay?"

Hayden gave a slight nod, he was cold and wet and just ready to see the surface. "I'm going to send another line down for you. And for the love of everything, do.not. Cut. It."

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