Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
Child Care and a Redo

"BREAKFAST!" Christopher beamed once he made his way into the kitchen. "Dad doesn't make breakfast. He can't cook."

Eve bursted out laughing as she placed the eggs she just made onto a plate followed by sausage and toast. "Well you get breakfast today, a true breakfast that is."

"Hey! I can make eggs." Eddie informed the two people in his kitchen.

"Barely." Christopher bluntly stated making Eve hold in her laugh and try to focus on making plates for everyone.

"Just sit down and eat." Eddie instructed his son, knowing that Christopher wasn't wrong about his cooking skills.

Eve placed two plate in front of the two boys who sat waiting to dig into the meal she just made. "Breakfast is served." She announced. "Now I recommend eating relatively fast because we got to go in 45 minutes."

"Do you want to go to work with me?" Eddie questioned the blonde who currently had stuffed her face with toast. "It would save you gas and a trip to your place, and Zeus is more than welcome to stay here for our shift."

Eve looked up from her meal, take a minute to chew the rest of the food in her mouth. "Yeah, that sounds good to me, I can have Maddie come and take him back to my place once she's off work."

"Did you spend the night?" Christopher ended up asking.

Eve looked up to Eddie on how he wanted to answer this. Do they tell him they where on a date and accidentally fell asleep? Or just say she was to tired to drive him.

"Bud, Eve and I had a sort of date and she did spend the night." Eddie softly told his son, while mentally preparing for him to maybe lash out.

"Does this mean we'll have good breakfast every morning?" Christopher asked making Eddie sigh in relief and chuckle at his son's question.

"Yeah Bud, most mornings." The brunette ruffled his son's hair and smiled at the reaction his son had given to the news of his father was seeing someone that wasn't his mother.

AS SOON as Eve and Eddie stepped into the fire station hand in hand and their team was able to see them, whistling and clapping erupted.

"Good God." Eve muttered placing her free hand on her forehead.

"Way to go you two!" Buck shouted from the top of the station.

"How was it?" Chimney inquired once the pair made it up the stairs.

"Well considering they walked in together," hen started. "I think it went pretty well."

"Well we had to make changes to our original plans." Eddie informed the three. "Chris and Zeus joined."

"But it did go pretty well, if I do say so myself." Eve smiled thinking about the previous night.

"Oh yeah, Eve brought Chinese food and had dinner with them." Buck nodded, remembering what Maddie had told him.

"I take it Maddie told you?" Eve questioned, knowing her sister.

"Yes." Buck answered simply.

"Go figure." Eve sighed.

The team soon changed the subject to other things such as what they may want for lunch or dinner, or what shows to watch and just a bunch of different things.

There conversation where cut of though by the sound of alarms going if telling them to go help someone.

The 118 arrived at the scene, they where in a shopping mall where a man had fallen through a escalator while proposing to his girlfriend.

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