Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five
Little Miracles

EVE JOINED her siblings on a lunch date, happy to get out of the house she was cooped up in for the past three weeks.

"Okay, so every unit is different," buck explained his hunting for a place. "but I think I kind of like this one the best." He told the two women in front of him, showing them his phone.

"You should totally rent that apartment." Eve spoke with a smile.

"M-me?" Buck questioned confused. "Wh-why...why would I?"

"Because I have a house." Eve stated. "Two actually. And Maddie has an apartment."

"It's not weird?" Buck asked Maddie. "Going back to your apartment?"

"No," Maddie answered. "So you need to find your own place."

Buck and Eve gave Maddie a look knowing she was lying. "Okay, fine. It's a little weird to go back to my apartment,but...I'm not just gonna force myself out of it because...I got abducted. I still go to therapy and my support groups, but I have to start putting little pieces of my life back together, and work is a very big piece."

"It seems like, maybe you're moving too fast." Buck spoke. "You need time to heal. Both of you do."

"I've been healing." Maddie stated. "For weeks. I'm sick of resting. I'm tired of talking about my feelings, and I just want to go back to the real world."

"I agree with that." Eve agreed. "I'm tired of sitting on my ass looking at the ceiling. I want to go back to doing my job."

"Even if you aren't ready?" Buck questioned, mainly maddie.

"Once my life is normal again, then I will feel normal again." Maddie told her brother.

"Okay," buck spoke understanding where Maddie was coming from. "so where are you gonna take Chimney on your 'second first date'?"

Maddie shook her head and frowned. "I have no idea.

"AH, NOT being in bed or on the couch." Eve commented as she walked into the station after her three week medical leave.

"Welcome back, Eve." Bobby smiled when he saw her walk in. "We missed having you here."

"Happy to be back, Cap." Eve smiled. "Wish Chim could come back."

"Couple more weeks." Bobby stated. "And he'll be joining the 118 again."

"Thank you Cap." Eve smiled.

"You made it just in time to see the kids." Hen informed eve.

"That's today?" She questioned, pulling her hair back.

"Yep." Hen nodded pointing over the balcony and watching her brother, Bobby and Eddie set up for the event.

"Ok easy first day, for the most part." Eve smiled, going down the stairs and joining the trio and helping set up for the school trip.

Soon enough, children came rolling into the station and took their seats at the chairs set out for them, waiting for Bobby to give the presentation.

"Don't panic," Bobby spoke, once he was done introducing him and his crew. "because panic can be more dangerous than flames, toxic fumes or a sucking chest wound." He explained before looking at the trio standing behind him. "Guys?"

Eddie and Buck moved the TV in front of the 5th graders (I think Harry's in 5th grade... don't know.)

"Cap's a little intense,huh?" Eddie questioned the twins.

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