Chapter Thirty Three

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S3ep2 sink or swim

Chapter Thirty Three
It's just a little water

THE DAY the the group was having was quite fun. They road rides, well for Eve she road them if it were possible, they ate way too much sugar and won Christopher a big teddy bear.

Buck however did have a wave of disappointment when he saw some firefighters rush in to save a man dressed as an alligator who had suffocated in it. Eve had to reassure her brother that they'd both be back working at the 118, it would just be a minute.

"If anything, you can help me with Sunshine Bug here," Eve told her brother while he held Christopher's shirt while they were looking at the water from the pier. "We need to fix up the nursery and you can help me when I get him from the hospital. Be my baby's protector from all evil."

Buck looked at the bracelet his sister and Eddie gave him a few months ago when they announced the pregnancy. "That's what I'm here for." Buck smiled. "Protecting your little nugget and hyping her up on sugar."

"You do that and you're keeping her for the night." Eve stated.

Buck laughed. "Deal." The blonde looked at Christopher, changing the topic. "Ever think about what you wanna do with your life?" Christopher looked down at his uncle. "What you wanna be when you grow up?"

"Astronaut or a pirate." Christopher answered.

"Those are really good choices." Eve told the boy.

"Cool outfits, too." Buck added.

"No wait," Christopher spoke, ready to change his answer. "A firefighter."

Buck chuckled. "Yeah, me too."

Eve looked at her brother sympathetically and placed her hand on top of his.

"What in the world?" Eve muttered looking at the water that had disappeared from the pier.

Buck and Eve stop to their feet and looked at the ocean ground.

I'm so nervous in writing this even though I'm wtf happens.

"Where did all the water go?" Christopher asked.

Soon enough the question was answered when the pier alarms started going off and a big wave of ocean came coming towards everyone.

It was a tsunami.

Buck grabbed Christopher and took Eve's hand before running to one of the games and putting Christopher behind it and helping Eve.

"Get your ass in here." Eve shouted when her brother turned around to look at the water rushing their way.

Eve covered Christopher to the best of her abilities while Buck jumped inside the game station as the water came rushing around them.

Eve struggled to swim around in the water as it kept rushing around her. It didn't help that she had a bowling ball of a stomach that held her child. Eve moved her arms around the water trying to swim to the surface as she was losing all air in her lungs.

Gasping as she came to the surface Eve grabbed onto the nearest object that was above water

"Christopher, Everyln!" Eve heard her brother yell at the top of his lungs.

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