Chapfer Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight
Too Much

"HOW ARE you feeling?" Eddie asked his wife who was rocking Charlie in the rocking chair in the the little girl's room with two dogs on either side.

"I'm hurt." Eve admitted. "I don't know if I can talk to him after this lawsuit is over with."

"Me neither." Eddie sighed. "He told his lawyer everything about everyone."

"He told him about all of our lowest moments." Eve muttered. "He told his lawyer ever detail of our low points. He told the lawyer about me being stabbed and the year i struggled with depression."

"It'll be ok." Eddie tried calming his wife down so she wouldn't start hyperventilating. "We should probably try and sleep since Peanut and Christopher are asleep."

Eve nodded her head in agreement and rose to her feet to put her little girl in her crib. "Good night my little sunshine bug, I wish you could meet your uncle, he's truly one of the best people I know when he's not suing people."

It broke Eddie at the way not being able to talk to her brother effected his wife and how hurt she was by the day they had.

Once the couple was fully out of the room eddie swept his wife off her feet.

"What are you doing?" She questioned confused.

"Giving you a good time." Eddie answered.

"I can't do anything for another four weeks." Eve stated.

"Yes, intercourse wise." Eddie agreed closing the door to their bedroom. "But outercourse is something we can do."

"Did you call my doctor?" Eve questioned as Eddie placed her on their bed.

"Yes." He answered. "Wanted to be sure."

Eve smiled. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you more."

CHRISTOPHER was invited to a birthday party for one of his friends and Eddie and Eve agreed to let him attend if he 100 percent wanted to.

"Okay, bud." Eddie spoke as he held Christopher out of the car. "Alright, strong legs." He told his son when he put him down without holding him to get his crutches.

"Are you sure about this?" Eve questioned. "We can have Carla pick you up after the party."

"No," Christopher answered. "I wanna go."

"Hey guys!" Tasha beamed when she saw the family. "You made it! Dillion is so excited! Maybe now he'll stop talking about it. Wait who am I kidding? No he won't."

Both parents laughed at the women's comments.

"You got my emails, right?" Eddie asked

"I did." The mom answered. "Very detailed."

Eddie knelt down in front of Christopher. "Be good, have fun."

"Call if you need anything." Eve added ruffling the boy's hair.

"Okay, I love you guys." Christopher smiled.

"I love you too, kid." Eddie spoke, kissing the young boy's head.

"I love you, please be safe." Eve smiled back, hugging her stepson.

"Alright." Eddie told his son. "Go,go go."

"He's gonna to be okay, Eddie." Dillion's mom told the anxious father.

"I know." Eddie agreed. "He hasn't hand a nightmare in a week. The doctor says a sleepover will be great for him."

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