Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"THIS REALLY is a beautiful ring." Maddie told her sister, looking at the ring in her finger for the fifth time in the past handful of weeks. "You have a good eye Eddie."

"Yes maddie," Eve chuckled. "This is the hundredth time you've said that."

As of tonight the sisters along with Eddie and Chimney went to the local bar one to celebrate Eve and Eddie and two to have fun.

"You give me hope that I can find someone right for me one day." Maddie commented.

Eve looked at chimney who sat beside maddie at their table. "I think you will Mads." The blonde smiled.

Eve stood from her seat. "I'm going to go order us another round."

When Eve left, Eddie made sure to keep an eye on his fiancée.

Eddie watched as a man approached the blonde making him rise to his feet but he immediately paused when Eve's face lit up and she hugged the guy.

"Who's that?" He asked the duo in front of him.

Maddie and Chimney turned around and looked at the man Eve was currently talking to rather happily.

"No clue." Chimney answered.

Soon Eve grabbed the man's hand and drug him over to her table.

Eve had the world's biggest smile on her face as she paused and gestured to the brunette beside her. "Guys, this is Logan. Logan this is my Fiancé, Eddie. My friend and colleague Chimney. And this is my sister, Maddie."

Logan held out his hand to Eddie first. "Nice to meet you. I've so far heard quite a bit about you."

"Pleasure."Eddie's voice was traced with venom, he was starting to get jealous.

Chimney and Maddie spoke their words to the newly joined man.

"Why chimney?" Logan asked once he grabbed a seat and sat beside Eve.

"That's a long story (that your author can't say bc no one freaking knows!!!)." Chimney answered.

"Suspicious." Logan laughed.

"So, how'd you two meet?" Eddie spoke, he didn't sound to happy which Eve noticed but chose to ignore.

"He was at the academy with me." Eve smiled. "He almost beat my ranking."

"Almost?" Logan snapped. "Girl I did beat you ranking. I finished going through that house before you did."

"Nope. I beat you by five seconds." Eve sassed.

Eddie sat and watched the interaction, and he didn't like it. So letting most of his emotions take over Eddie took Eve's waist and pulled her into his lap.

"What are you doing?" Eve chuckled, grabbing onto the brunette's arm.

"Nothing." He muttered, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Now how did you two meet?" Logan inquired watching the couple interact.

"We work together actually." Eve answered.

"And you're allowed to date?" The brunette questioned. "Your Captain doesn't care?"

"No." Eddie bluntly answered. "He's pretty chill about it."

"My Captain cares, couple people at the station got together and Cap immediately shut that down." Logan explained.

"Damn, seems strict." Eve muttered.

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