Chapter Thirty Nine

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S3ep6- monsters

Chapter Thirty Nine
First Day Back

"THERES milk in the fridge if you need to, you can come by the station if you need more considering my boobs don't stop making me feel like a cow."

Eve was going back to work and well she was finding it hard to leave Charlotte.

"Eve we need to go." Eddie told he wife who continued to explain where everything was even though Carla knew.

"Ok." Eve muttered walking to her baby who was in a little baby swing. "I love you my sunshine bug, I'll be home before you know it."

"Have a good day!" Carla beamed as the couple walked out the house, Eve struggling to do so.

"She'll be fine." Eddie told his wife. "She's with Carla."

"I know." Eve mumbled. "She's my baby, and I don't want to leave her."

"I understand." Eddie spoke opening the passenger door of his truck.

"Wait isn't my brother coming back today?" Eve questioned.

"I believe so." Eddie sighed.

"I don't know what to do with him." Eve mumbled. "I miss talking to him and being around him, but he—"

"You don't have to forgive him yet, I don't even think I'll be able to." Eddie admitted.

"Yeah." Eve whispered looking down at her hands.

EVE STOOD on the balcony watching Buck walk into the station with a smile one for it to drop when he stopped in front of where she was standing and saw now banner and no cake, along with the fact his sister wasn't welcoming back.

Eve looked at her brother for a brief moment before turning away leaving him to go change in the locker rooms.

"Wow, dude," Buck spoke as Eddie walked back into the fire station from getting something from his truck. "are you okay? That's a monster."

Eve had made it down to the ground level and stood listening and watching. She knew Eddie's fighting therapy stuff was slowly getting out of hand, but she didn't really feel like having that argument. She was already tired and stressed, she didn't need another thing to stress about.

"Just roughhousing with my kid and dogs." Eddie lied, he looked like he'd gotten little sleep, which wasn't necessarily a lie, he stayed out pretty late to be in the ring and if Eve didn't know why he was out so late she'd assume he was cheating.

"We're you playing with hammers?" Buck questioned.

"Nothing you need to be concerned with." Eddie told the blonde.

"Welcome back Firefighter Buckley." Chimney spoke coming to join the group.

"Thanks, Chim," Buck smiled. "glad to be back."

"Alright, now that we've got that out of the way," Bobby started. "morning briefing..."

The alarms starting going off before Bobby could share the briefings meaning it was time to get to work.

"Buck, you're man behind today." Bobby told Buck.

"Wh—I'm not going with you guys?" Buck questioned, stopping his captain.

"My house, my rules, remember?" Bobby inquired. "You stay put."

"Eve." Buck tried stopping his sister who started jogging to the fire engine.

"I got to work, Evan." Eve stated brushing him off and joining the team.

"BOBBY HATES me and so does Eve and Eddie." Buck ranted about his day while leaned back on his couch.

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