Chapter Twenty Seven

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S2Ep15-Ocean's 9-1-1

Chapter Twenty Seven
The Job of Breaking into a Vault

EVE SPEANT her days off trying to sell her house, which ended up being successful three weeks after it went on the market. She put most of her furniture into storage. Most of what she moved in were for the kitchen and Zeus.

"I thought you two where going to wait to tie the knot before moving in together." Buck commented during dinner.

Buck decided instead of leaving after helping Eve move he was going to stay and have dinner with the trio.

"We never actually decided anything." Eve informed her brother. "Neither of us mentioned it until Eddie asked me a few weeks ago."

"And here you two are, finally living together." Buck smiled.

"Took you long enough." Christopher added with the same smile as Buck.

"You know what, just eat your dinner." Eddie told his son.

"Same goes for you." Eve pointed her fork at her brother. "Eat."

"You know, why didn't I get these cooking skills?" Buck questioned after taking a bite out of the spaghetti his twin made.

"Because you never tried to learn to cook until Bobby started showing you." Eve answered simply. "Which honestly hurts considering I've offered to teach you. Actually I offered to teach both of you, and you both shrugged it off."

"Can you teach me?" Christopher asked the blonde.

Eve smiled warmly at the boy sitting beside her. "Of course." She answered. "Anything you want, I'll teach you."

Eve turned to the two grown men at the table. "At least someone appreciates me."

"Woah Woah." Eddie quickly spoke. "Who said we didn't appreciate you. I will always appreciate you, Honey."

"Mhm." Eve hummed slowly nodding her head. "You have no other choice."

"DO YOU know how expensive a wedding is?" Eve questioned her fiancé.

Eve sat at one of the tables in the upstairs of the fire station looking through wedding venues, food and flowers.

Eddie stood behind the blonde resting his chin on her shoulder and watching as she scrolled through the different venues.

"The venues aren't to bad, average being about 10k." Eve explained scrolling through venues. "But after adding everything from decorations to food to clothes it's roughly 30k." Eve leaned her head against her future husband's. "We can use the money I'm getting from selling my house."

"Don't worry about the money." Eddie told the blonde. "We'll handle it."

Eve lifted her head and turned around in her seat to properly look at the brunette. "What if we just get the clothes our people and get married in the backyard next week?"

"Next week?" Eddie chuckled slightly.

"Well you and Shannon signed your papers last week so you're a mostly free man."


"You can always just leave me since we're not married but we both know you're not going to." Eve smiled brightly.

"Alright," Eddie nodded with a small smile. "But what happened to next year?"

"One, prices and two I just want to be married to you." Eve answered taking Eddie's face in her hands. "I don't care if it's fancy or if it's in our back yard I just want you forever."

Always Forever | Eddie DiazTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang