Chapter Forty Four

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S3Ep9- Fallout

If you haven't read the past two notes I published go read them. They're hella important involving this story.

Chapter Forty Four

EDDIE WAS going to therapy since Bobby made it mandatory, so Eve stayed with the kids, having fun with them.

"What's for lunch?" Eve asked Christopher after she put Charlie down for a nap.

"Grilled cheese!" Christopher exclaimed causing Eve to laugh at his reaction

"Will do." Eve smiled. "One grilled cheese coming up."

"How'd you learn to cook?" Christopher asked the blonde as she placed the sandwich onto a pan.

"Taught myself." Eve answered, her happy demeanor faltering.

Eve did teach herself, because after her drug overdose and her covering for Buck saying it was all her, her parents pretty much ignored her existence.

"Can you teach me?" Christopher questioned.

Eve turned her head and looked at the young boy behind her. "If you promise not to cook by yourself. You have to do it when someone is with you."

"I promise!" Christopher beamed.

"Alright come here." Eve motioned to the spot beside her. "Don't touch anything." She instructed as she sat Christopher on the counter making sure he was a safe distance from the stove, but could still see the pan.

"So," Eve started explaining her way of making the grilled cheese. "I don't know if you saw me put the sandwich together, but I put butter in the outside so that it won't burn quickly, then I put the cheese on the inside and plopped it into the pan. Something to keep in mind it controlling the heat of the burner, so we want it about here, when you start so that the pan heats up and starts toasting the bread and melting the cheese."

Christopher watched as Eve pointed to the knob that controlled the heat and as she explained the way of making the sandwich.

"Now, if you think the sandwich is ready to flip so you can cook the other side, you can take a peak of the bread touching the pan by using the spatula and lifting up slightly." Eve did as she explained and lifted part of the sandwich to see that the bread was a nice golden brown. "When it looks like this you can flip it, keep in mind that you can flip it as many times as you feel necessary if you don't think a side is cooked enough. And after you flip the sandwich you want to turn the heat down to keep an even temperature. Also this side won't take as long to cook as the side we just cooked, because we won't have to wait for the pan to heat up." Eve finished making the sandwich and put it on a plate before helping Christopher of the counter. "Do you get it?"

"Yeah!" Christopher exclaimed. "Can I try?"

Eve smiled. "Yeah, of course."

When Eddie got home, the duo in the kitchen didn't notice, so he decided to just stay quiet and watch what they where doing.

Eve had her hand over Christopher's that was holding the spatula. "Now, since we've checked it, we can flip it." The pair flipped the sandwich which sent joy through Christopher.

"I did it!" He beamed.

"Good job, buddy." Eve smiled. "Don't forget to turn the burner down to 4."

With in a couple minutes the sandwich was done and Christopher was incredibly proud of himself for how it turned out.

"You did it!" Eve exclaimed, holding up her hand for a high five.

"I did it!" Christopher laughed, giving the blonde a high five.

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