Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen
Secrets, Tears and Ice Cream
(So I skipped the first couple calls because I want to get right into the problem Shannon brings)

HALLOWEEN is one of those few times of years where people lose their minds. And well Buck had lost his mind.

"He full heartedly believes that it was a ghost." Eve ranted of to her boyfriend as she stood at the stove cooking up the meat for tocos that Christopher requested.

During their shift earlier that day the 118 was called to a scene where a man who they thought call 911 didn't actually call 911 because he had lost his phone. They also found human remains and a phone with the remains. So buck was dead set that a ghost called 911.

"We're not supposed to lose or crap during any holiday, because there's enough people like that who we need to save."

"Eve, he'll get over it." Eddie spoke.

"But we're not going to hear the end of it until the month his over." Eve groaned.

"I'll give you that one, but it'll be fine."

Eve sighed she was not looking forward to hearing about the ghost buck swears call 911 every time she saw her brother.

"Oh!" Eve spoke here attention switching to a new topic. "So you're going to look at that school with Carla tomorrow."

"Yeah." Eddie nodded from his spot leaning against the counter. "Do you want to join?"

Eve paused and turned around. "Do you want me to come?"

"Yes." Eddie answered basically pleading for her join. "I could use someone else's advice from some who loves Christopher just as much as I do."

"Then I'll gladly go." Eve smiled turning back to her food.

"YOU CLEAN up nice." Eve spoke when she spotted her boyfriend stepping out of his truck at the school parking lot.

They took separate vehicles due to eve needing to go change into better looking clothes which was a navy blue ankle length dress.

"And we seem to be matching." Eddie added taking the blonde's hand.

"You brought the fine thing of a girlfriend you've been blessed with, I see." Carla spoke when she spotted the pair walking towards the entrance.

"Yes I did." Eddie spoke smiling at the girl that held his hand.

The trio went inside the building and signed in ready for the tour of the school for Christopher.

"Our grounds include two outdoor play areas, state of the art gymnasium, music, theater, the full rand of academic offerings, as well as behavioral and cognitive programs." The principal examples pointed to the different sections some of the classes where.

Eddie chuckled nervously when she was done talking. "Look." He spoke stopping to look at the principle. "Um...the programs sound good, but Christopher's happiness is what's important to me. I want him to feel normal, not like some special needs charity case."

It warmed Eve's heart how much Eddie loved Christopher and wanted nothing but for him to be safe and happy.

"Every child is special." The lady spoke understanding Eddie's wants. "And yes, some do have additional needs, but they're all equally our children." She pointed her arm towards a room and began leading the group. "They learn as much from each other as they do from us."

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