Till Forever Falls Apart

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If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya.

By doctors terms, Eve was fully recovered from her wonderful time being stuck in a fire truck. And now she was 30 weeks pregnant and was becoming an emotional wreck and she was starting to lose sleep and now hated the idea of walking.

"I have to pee again." Eve groaned, getting up from cuddling with her husband and watching a movie with him and Christopher.

"Again?" Eddie questioned watching as his wife slowly pushed herself off the couch.

"Yes, our daughter thinks my bladder is damn trampoline."Eve groaned.

Thirty minutes had past and Eve had yet to come back causing slight worry to form in Eddie stomach. "I'll be right back bud." Eddie told his son who was still glued to the tv while petting Zeus.

"Honey?" Eddie questioned walking down the hallway.

"I gave up." Eve stated.

She was sprawled out on their bed not wanting to move. "My ankles hurt and so does my back."

"Im sorry." Eddie spoke, walking in front of the blonde and taking her foot. "How's your hip?"

"Doesn't hurt unless I stand long because of this child." Eve answered, closing her eyes. "Next week is my brothers congratulation party, I'm happy he gets to back to work."

"But you wish you could go back?"

Eve slowly nodded. "I'm more than excited for our little sunshine bug cooking in here, but it would be nice to be able to leave the firehouse when you guys go on calls." ( we're giving the baby a nickname my dad has for me.)

"Yeah, but we value yours and the baby's life." Eddie told the blonde as he switched to rubbing her other foot.

"I know." Eve muttered. "But still."

"Want to go finish out movie?" Eddie questioned.

Eve hummed and held up her hand to be helped up. "You know what we need."

"What's that?" Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow

"Another dog." Eve stated. "Zeus needs a friend, I mean he already has Christopher, but once she's born maybe his attention with all be in her and not Zeus."

Eddie chuckled. "What type of dog are you thinking?"

"A golden retriever." Eve proudly answered.

"You know they shed more than Zeus, right?"

"Yeah, but there's a think called a vacuum, which I already use on the daily." Eve sassed.

"Alright." Eddie agreed. "But I get to name it, you've named Zeus."

"Yeah, because I got him before I met you." Eve retorted. "Plus I was thinking about having Christopher name it, we're already naming a child, he can name the dog."

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