Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two
For Letter Word

"THERE'S no way my baby is 6 months old." Eve spoke after Eddie had mentioned Charlie being exactly 6 months old. "I did not push this little girl out of me 6 months ago, I deny it."

Eddie chuckled stepping behind Eve and wrapping his arms around her while they watched Charlie play with a couple of her toys and Christopher with two protective dogs laying closely beside her.

"October 27th." Eddie stated. "Which was exactly 6th months ago my dear."

"I want another one." Eve blurted out not really thinking about what she was saying.

Eddie furrowed his brows, shocked by the sudden words. "I'm pretty sure two dogs and two kids is a lot already."

"But we make cute babies." Eve muttered, her lips turning down.

Eddie hummed. "We do." He agreed, resting his chin on the blonde's shoulder just watching Charlie and Chris.

"Oh my gosh, Eddie!" Eve exclaimed patting her husband's arm in excitement. "She's crawling!"

A wide smile grew on Eddie's face as he watched his little girl crawl towards him and his wife.

Eve squatted down, getting somewhat level with Charlie, watching with immense joy as her daughter hit a mile stone in her first few months of life. "Good job, Sunshine." The blonde beamed.

"Come on, peanut." Eddie smiled, kneeling beside Eve and egging his blonde daughter to make her way towards her parents.

When Charlie made it to her parents, Eddie swooped her up, into his arms with a smile in his face. "Oh I'm so proud of you." He beamed, kissing the little girl's cheek.

"Why are you guys so happy?" Christopher questioned the amazed parents.

"This is a milestone in her baby life." Eve answered, pulling her attention from Charlie to her son.

"But she crawled yesterday while we where playing in my room." Christopher responded causing both parents jaws to drop.

"Well then." Eddie muttered. "Either way she did a good job."

"Yes." Eve agreed with a slight nod of her head.

"THAT'S hilarious." Buck laughed the next shift at work.

Eve and Eddie had shared their last nights events of them believing Charlie was crawling for the first time when in reality she wasn't.

"Christopher didn't tell you he watch Charlie crawl for the first time and led you two to believe she was crawling towards you for the first time." Buck restated what he was told will struggling not to laugh.

"Yes." Eve sighed.

"Well he probably didn't realize it was and important to you guys and that it was a mini milestone." Bobby spoke from the kitchen.

"Yes," Eddie agreed. "So we never got mad at him. It was pretty humorous after words."

"At least someone witnessed it." Eve added.

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