Chapter 5 : Who's this Wang Yibo?

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Xiao Zhan, Zhuo Cheng and Xuan Lu entered the house and locked the door. After locking Xiao Zhan checked repeatedly to make sure that it was perfectly locked, only then did they came to the sofa and sat down. Their expressions were grave.

Finally Xiao Zhan broke the silence

"Lulu why did you step out of your house at this late hour? Don't you know that it's dangerous nowadays?"

She pursed her lips "I know but I wanted to meet all of you."

She pulled out her mobile and showed the selfie that Zhuo Cheng had posted in Weibo.

She complained "It's unfair! You guys removed me out and were having fun yourselves! So I came here myself to join you."

Zhuo Cheng grumbled at Xuan Lu
"But now do you understand the serious issue over here? Even you yourself got involved in it! You got bruises too!"

She retorted "I've been already treated with first aid by Xiao Zhan and I'm also holding ice bag right now. So it won't be a big problem for me. But I'm really worried about A-Zhan."

Both Xuan Lu and Zhuo Cheng looked at Xiao Zhan with concerned eyes.

Zhuo Cheng pleaded "Xiao Zhan! For god's sake I'm telling you, don't go out after the sunset for such trivial things like you did today. It's risky! Do you understand it now after getting the note?"

Xiao Zhan gulped down "...But it can also be a prank, isn't it? Why are you guys being so serious about it?"

Zhuo Cheng's jaw dropped "Do you really not know?"

Xuan Lu's eyes widened too "A-Zhan don't you know what that note means?"

Xiao Zhan was confused "What?"

Zhuo Cheng slapped on his forehead
"Idiot! Don't you watch news?"

Xiao Zhan remembered that indeed he hadn't watched news after returning here.

Xuan Lu tried to explain
"A-Zhan don't get freaked out. It can be a prank too as you had already said. But the thing is such similar notes were found in each of the murder victims' houses."

Small beads of sweats started to form on his forehead.

Xuan Lu continued "Let me give you a brief explanation of the murder cases.
The first victim is a local businessman of around 50years age who lived alone in his house. His body was found on yesterday morning when his assistant came and reported it to the Police. The estimated time of death was the previous night around 9PM. He was first stabbed in the stomach and then his throat was slit, cause of death was due to excessive blood loss. The murder weapon was a knife which was also left at the crime scene. No fingerprints or clues about the killer was found out, means the killer was very cautious. The assistant handed out the Police a note on which 'I AM WATCHING YOU' was written in red ink, the same way you got one. He said that his boss had found it two days ago being stuck at the door and ignored it as a prank. But the most shocking thing that Police found out was a paper note stuck at the victim's forehead with '1' written on it with the victim's blood. This made the Police suspect it as a serial murder case. At that point the Police was thinking that the robbers have started killing people but after the second victim they separated the murder cases from the robbery case.
The second victim was another man of around 45years old who was killed at yesterday evening. His wife had gone to office so he was alone in his house. His wife returned home at 7:30PM and found the dead body. The body was still warm, means he had died not more than 30minutes ago. His wife remembered to see a suspicious man in black hoodie, black mask and black cap coming out of her house and driving away. The Police got the description from her and traced him in a CCTV footage from a nearby store. He entered the house at 6:52PM and came out at 7:30PM and drove away by a car. The Police traced him from all the CCTVs of the city and found out that he had changed several vehicles and all of them were stolen goods. And after circling through the whole city he finally entered this locality, parked his bike outside your house and entered your house premises and then he vanished..."

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