Chapter 20: Conclusion

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In the meeting

The City Bureau was busy from the early morning. All the VVIP Police Officers were going to attend the meeting, they had already started arriving one by one. Everyone of them adorned with several medals depicting their heroic deeds.

Zhu Zhanjin looked at his watch, only 10 minutes remaining, where was Wang Yibo? He was yet to arrive.

The largest meeting room of the City Bureau was arranged for today's meeting. The VVIP officers started entering the room, right then Yibo entered the Bureau panting. Only 5 minutes remained, he hastily took his reports and ran to the meeting room.

He sat at his designated seat with the SIT members; there were also some departmental officers, Song Jiyang's team, Ms Deputy Mianmian of the department, Deputy-in-Chief and Director-in-Chief of the City Bureau, Deputy of Police and Chief of Police.

The meeting started.

Wang Yibo stood up "Report!" He saluted "My name is Wang Yibo, I'm a detective in SIT, the Special Investigation Team which was formed to investigate C City Serial Murders."

He paused a bit and continued "The Serial Killer is already arrested and he has confessed his crimes but he is denying to confess the motives; we hope we'll eventually find it out through interrogation. His name is Li BoWen...he was a detective in SIT of our Criminal Investigation Department. He also had an accomplice Su She who was also silenced by him later."

Low whispers were heard.

Yibo continued "These Serial Murders in C City started 1 week ago when many empty houses were getting robbed. Hence at the beginning we thought these murders were being done by the same robbers. But after the 2nd murder we realised that these robberies and serial murders were done by different groups as their methods were different. The robbers only attacked empty houses and never murdered any people but this serial killings were brutal, so we separated these two cases."

"Were these robbers arrested?" Deputy of Police suddenly ask interrupting him.

"Yes Sir they were arrested 3 days ago, B team of our Bureau were in charge of it." Yibo replied.

Deputy of Police leaned back at his chair "Okay, continue with your report."

Giving a light nod Yibo continued
"As we know that all the victims of C City Serial Murders died of slit throats and a stab in stomach, they mainly died due to excessive blood loss from their carotid artery. They all died in their home or office. So here comes the did the murderer enter?"
He paused and quickly took a glance at all of their faces, then continued again "There was no evidence of forced entry in their rooms which means the victims themselves opened their doors to let the murderer enter. We, the officers of the Bureau were always patroling and asking for informations of the robberies, so we all are known faces around the City. So if Li BoWen who works as a police detective goes to the victims' places they'd naturally open their doors to him and thus they got killed. They were attacked all of a sudden without any prior warnings and got their throat slit, thus they didn't even had the strength to resist or shout for help. There was only one exception in the 3rd victim where she tried to resist, probably she noticed something at the last minute and so she was knocked unconscious and then her throat was slit, she also died due to excessive blood loss."

Chief of Police sighed "I've heard a detective of the SIT had also been a victim in this case and he was shot dead unlike the other victims, moreover it was at the backyard of a dilapidated factory. Why he was an exception?"

The SIT members' face clouded on hearing this.

"The detective of SIT who died on the line of duty was Jin ZiXuan." Mentioning his name Yibo paused a bit, his mind clenched in pain. Losing such a good friend and comrade was surely a huge blow to all the SIT members, it was even more hurtful as he was killed by another comrade of them.
Yibo continued "Maybe he had found out the identity of the killer, so he called BoWen in front of the convenience store and asked to meet him. He wanted to stop BoWen from doing it, so they chose such an alley to meet where there was no CCTV, I happened to have see him waiting there while passing by the road, it was at 8:25PM.

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