Chapter 17 : Tactics

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The shortcut was blocked, so now Yibo had to take the highway. It'd be a 30 minutes journey but he didn't have such long time in his hands. He had to reach home as soon as possible. Unable to cope up with the possibility of Xiao Zhan being hurt, he accelerated the speed of the car and weave through the highway in top speed, overtaking the cars one after the other.

He drove the 30 minutes journey in only 20 minutes and sprinted out of his car.

The house was silent as it was when Yibo left. Now all Yibo wanted to see was Xiao Zhan's sleeping face. He ran to the door and held the doorknob to unlock it.

But as soon as he held it his breath hitched...

Someone must opened the door after he had left.

Before leaving he had put a tiny piece of paper in the gap of the door which was currently not there anymore.

His suspicion was right!
Someone definitely had entered the house.

Who else might it be except the Serial Killer?

Thinking about the Serial Killer being under the same roof as Xiao Zhan tingled his hairs up.

He couldn't rush into the house, he didn't know in which condition Xiao Zhan was in. Rushing into the house could worsen the condition.

All these thoughts passed through his brain at once within 1-2 seconds.

He tried to calm himself from his turmoil mind and exhaled his breath slowly. He held up his gun and slowly opened the door with his key and entered. Keeping his gun up, he kept his footsteps as low as possible and swiftly moved forward.

He could hear a man's threatening voice coming from the living room.

"What do you think Xiao Zhan? Is that all you've got? I'll kill you right away!"

The voice was unknown. Yibo's blood ran cold, he quickly moved towards that room.

Raising his gun Yibo rushed into the room and roared "Don't move! Police!"

The word 'Police' echoed in the room. Xiao Zhan and the 'threatener' both were startled.

The threatener's mobile fell into the floor.

Both of them looked up and met eyes with a confused Yibo.

What Yibo expected to see was a vicious criminal attacking his ZhanGe and threatening over his life.

But instead he found two men sitting at two corners of the same sofa and playing some mobile games!

He was at a loss for words. Few silent seconds passed by, no one spoke up. Then Xiao Zhan bursted into laughter.

Yibo felt more awkward and scratched his head lowering his gun down.

The unknown man was still in shock "Officer! Are you okay?"

Xiao Zhan's laugh increased more and Yibo couldn't control it anymore as he hit him "Enough! Stop laughing already, will you?"

The other boy's expression was horrible, his voice was pitiful "Xiao Zhan, just who the hell is this? This officer's brain is not okay at all! Tell him to take some rest."

Yibo also suddenly felt jealous that in his absence Xiao Zhan was playing with some other unknown boy.

He directly pointed at him and asked "Xiao Zhan! Who is this? Why did you take him in? Didn't I tell you not to open your door to anyone?"

He was sulky. Xiao Zhan understood.

He tried hard to catch his breath between his laugh "Ok ok! Both of you, let me introduce... This is Yubin, my childhood friend, remember you've seen him with me in the past, he used to come here very often with Zhuo Cheng and Xuan Lu."

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