Chapter 11 : Angel or Killer?

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No! It is impossible!

Yibo can't be the killer!

Xiao Zhan drank some water and tried to calm down. He wouldn't say anything to Yibo for now. He wanted to trust Yibo. He silently cleaned the bloodstain from the uniform and put it back in the washing machine.

He wanted to forget it but the thought was still killing him. He couldn't put it away from his head. He headed to the bedroom where Yibo was playing with his mobile.

He entered the room. It was quiet. Yibo was sitting there, doing something by lowering his head.

Xiao Zhan reached to him and peeked above his head and saw Yibo was applying some antiseptics on his left index finger. It wasn't bleeding anymore but it had a deep cut on it. He felt speechless for doubting Yibo earlier.

Yibo had also noticed Xiao Zhan's arrival "ZhanGe I've cut my finger at today morning. I was very busy then and didn't even have time to apply medicine. I sucked it and stopped my bleeding for then. But I had a long day today. Now finally after coming home I could apply some medicine."

"Shut up!" Xiao Zhan sat beside him and took Yibo's hand on him to have a closer look
"You're saying as if you've done some triumphant thing!"

Yibo exclaimed "Cool!"

Xiao Zhan shook his head, his face was serious "Not cool at all!"

Yibo's hand was on him and he started to watch it closely. Yibo really had a deep cut on him. Xiao Zhan opened a band-aid and put it on his wound.

"Now come with me and have your dinner." Xiao Zhan took Yibo by hand and brought him at the dining table.

Yibo wasn't talking much as he was eating his food slowly. On other days he would blabber a lot while eating but today he was almost silent, just once he said "Xiao Zhan your cooking is amazing"

Even after the dinner Yibo was mostly silent. Xiao Zhan could understand that today Yibo was extremely sad. Yibo was trying hard to suppress his grief and even had tried to show himself as lively as always but he had failed to do so. Xiao Zhan understands him like the palm of his own hand, he won't mistake about his feelings.

"Yibo!" Xiao Zhan called out and Yibo looked up.

"Give me your hand" Xiao Zhan asked.

Yibo stretched out his palm and waited.

Xiao Zhan smiled and put the spare key of his home in his hands "Keep it. I'm handing my spare key to the safest place in the world."

Yibo too smiled and kissed the key "I'll protect my home with my life."

Xiao Zhan smiled on this boy's cheekiness. Then he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh Yibo, where were you the whole morning? Your team members were looking for you. Just where had you gone?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Yibo was a bit subconscious at the moment, probably was thinking something.
He replied subconsciously "To jewellery shop."

Xiao Zhan was confused, he squinted his eyes "Jewellery shop? What were you doing there?"

Yibo got back to his senses "Ah? Did you ask me something?"

Xiao Zhan repeated "I asked what were you doing in jewellery shop."

Yibo took his gaze away from him "I can't tell you."

If Yibo didn't want to tell him, he wouldn't pry on it either.
He changed topics "Yibo? Aren't you tired? Do you want to sleep?"

Angel or Killer [YiZhan FF]Where stories live. Discover now