A Familiar Voice

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Now that Kana left, I was left alone, sitting on the chair as I watched the busy staff move around. I was about to leave and go back to Ruby and Miyako, but, before I could launch myself out of the chair, I got interrupted by a voice.

"Hi" The voice said "I saw you try to cheer up your friend just now, and I think you did such a nice thing."

That voice, it's familiar to me, that melodic quality, which is gentle yet vibrant, like a soft summer breeze. Even though the voice was slightly different from how I remembered it—perhaps with a touch of maturity and wisdom—it still held the essence of the person I had held dear to my heart.

It was the voice of my little sister, Ellie.

I quickly glanced back to confirm my suspicions, and as I laid my eyes on the individual, I was proven correct. It was Ellie, unmistakable with her adorable twin tails, charming delicate visage, and petite stature.

A rush of emotions overwhelmed me, causing my mask to break and my face scrunched up involuntarily. The intensity of the moment was too much to handle now that I had come face to face with her.

I wasn't planning to interact with her at all in this film, I only asked for her to be cast alongside me to the director for two reasons. First, I want her to get successful in the acting industry. Because no matter how much fans and money she makes from being an idol, she will have to retire by the age of 30, and I want her to continue her livelihood through acting. So this could be her chance. 

Second, I just want to see how she's doing. I wasn't even able to contact her in my dying moments, and I'm sure she must be worried sick about me not contacting her for a long time. I want to see if she is doing okay. Did she learn I died? And if she did, did she move on?

"Are you okay?" Ellie broke me out of my thoughts, and I realized I didn't respond to her at all yet. 

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed with a beaming smile, my eyes twinkling with curiosity. "I was just thinking about who you are because you seem so familiar." I playfully scratched my chin, tilting my head to the side in adorable wonder.

"I see, that's great," she said, her voice filled with warmth, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "And... Did you manage to figure out who I am?" she inquired, her head slightly tilted to the side. Lost in thought, her finger delicately rested on her cheek, as if tracing the path of her pondering.

"Ya! You're Ellie from B-Komachi, right? Wow, I almost didn't recognize you because your stage and real life persona are seriously different!" I said, my eyes widening in surprise as a big smile spread across my face.

Knowing Ellie, I thought she would react with embarrassment or maybe even a smile when I asked my question. But what caught me off guard was the way her eyes lost their sparkle, leaving behind a lifeless gaze and a face devoid of any emotion.

But her eyes that were once dull and lifeless quickly regained that sparkle and her face became full of emotion again instantly, almost as if she was too used to regaining that sparkle back.

That dull look, it's something I was familiar with, it was the eyes I saw everyday as Noah Anderson when I was still in the orphanage, before I even started acting, it was the eyes of someone who lost their will to live.

But, how can Ellie have those eyes? The constant rejection, the death of my parents, the isolation from no one liking me, they were all factors that contributed to those eyes. I suffered a lot to achieve those, does that mean Ellie experienced something similar?

I don't know, I'm not even sure if I saw it correctly. Maybe it was just my imagination.

"I get that comment a lot." Ellie said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Are you disappointed?" 

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