Bucks backstory

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TW: Angst
This story is if Buck never left his parents home and his abusive parents kept hurting him.

Buck walked into the firehouse with bruises all over his face, a busted lip and black bags under his eyes. "Woah Buck! Are you okay?" Eddie sprinted over to Buck who was dizzy and almost passing out.

Buck just nodded (he never spoke to any of them, only on calls and it was only whispers). Eddie pulled him up the stairs and sat him on the couch and grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer putting it on Bucks face, Buck sighed out in pleasure.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Eddie asks sincerely pushing a piece of paper and pen over in Bucks direction knowing that he doesn't like to talk. Buck felt bad about lying as he wrote on the paper that he just got into a fight although he technically wasn't lying since his dad was the one that did the damage.

"Oh right, you okay though?" Eddie searches his face looking at all the bruises before meeting his eyes and quickly looking away, "Keep that ice pack on it." Eddie walked off and into the kitchen.

Buck felt comfortable with all of the crew but especially with Eddie probably because of his little crush on him but he would never tell him. The bell rang and everybody jumped up and raced to the fire engine, Buck sitting opposite Eddie, Ravi in the middle then Hen and Chimney sitting opposite each other. Buck and Eddie would always put their legs the same way because they always sit in those seats, Buck would have one of his knees in between Eddies legs whilst the other was on the outside of Eddies leg and Eddie didn't mind this.

The call was simple, just an elderly woman who is worried about her cat being stuck in the tree and Buck loves cats so he went up and got it cuddling it on the way down. Eddie kept staring at Buck, he thought it was adorable on how he was cuddling it but quickly looked away when Buck caught him staring.

Before they got back into the engine Buck went up to Eddie and wrote something on a piece of paper, 'Why were you staring at me?' Eddie just chuckled.

"To make sure that you and the cat was okay." Eddie lied but Buck just quickly shrugged it off whilst everyone returned to their seats.

"So Buck, do you like cats? We could all see you cuddling it on the way down." Ravi spoke up looking at Buck who just nodded to his answer, none of them minded that he didn't speak but they all wanted to know why.

When they got back they noticed a woman standing in the firehouse, they all got out of the engine and walked towards her. "Ah yes Evan." Margaret spoke out and Buck walked to her whilst the others walked away. "I need some money, I'm going shopping and if you don't give me money I will tell your father." She says quietly so none of the others could hear her.

Buck went rustling in his pockets and found a £50 note and gave it to her hoping that it would be enough, Buck hated it when people called him Evan it just reminded him of his shitty childhood and the only person he liked was Maddie but she passed away after Doug kidnapped her.

"So what was that about?" Eddie asks walking down the stairs towards Buck, Buck just shrugged him off and walked into the gym putting his gloves on so he could punch his anger out. Eddie followed him again like a lost puppy mostly because he wanted to keep an eye on Buck or because he has a crush on the blondie.

"Why are you so angry?" Eddie asks holding the punching bag so he stops punching it, Buck just shook his head no to signal it was nothing but Eddie knew it was something. "Come on, you can tell me and I won't tell anyone I promise." Eddie looked into Bucks eyes with full concern.

"My mum just wanted some money that's it." Buck spoke out causing Eddie to fall backwards from shock of his speaking but Buck caught him before he fell, "Are you okay?"

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