Im So Sorry Buck

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TW: Angst

It was a normal day at the station, normal calls and not anything too stressful yet, for some reason Eddie was really on edge today but instantly calmed down talking to Buck then tensed back up after Buck stopped talking to him.

"Hey Eds." Buck smiled walking up to Eddie who now has a soft smile on his face instead of a stern look.

"Heyy Bucky." Eddie says happily.

"Let's go play some video games." Buck was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"Okay." Eddie says as Buck grabs his hand pulling him to the couch sitting him down next to him giving the controller to him.

Eddie was finally calm and happy playing video games with Buck and of course the others noticed it. "Don't you think Eddie is so much happier when talking to Buck then talking to us?" Hen asks Chim and Bobby.

"Yeah, I'm gonna call Buck into my office and watch Eddies expression change." Bobby says and the others nod, "Buck I would like to speak to you in my office."

"Okay cap! I'll be back in a sec okay." Buck says putting a reassuring hand on Eddies shoulder as he gives him a soft smile. Buck walks away and Eddies expression immediately changes, his smile went into a frown and his arms were crossed.

"What's wrong Eddie? Sad you're boyfriend left you?" Chim chuckles but his chuckle dies down immediately when Eddie shoots him a stern look.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Eddie shouts but as soon as Buck leaves Bobbys office the smile implants on his face again walking over to hug Buck. Eddie wraps his arms around Bucks waits in a protective way whilst Buck just smiles and wraps his arms around Eddies neck.

"What's this about?" Buck giggles like a teenage girl.

"I just appreciate you is all." Eddie smiles into Bucks neck but it got ruined by the bell going off. Eddie groans loudly then hesitantly let's go of Buck and walks to the fire engine with a slight drag in his steps.

"Now will you tell me what that was really about?" Buck asks pulling the mic on the headset away from his mouth to talk to Eddie privately.

"I just feel happier around you." Eddie replies nervously.

"Awhh how cute." Buck looks at Eddie in awe and Eddie just blushes looking away. "And you're blushing."

"Shut up." Eddie says running out of the engine since the engine just stopped. But Buck ran out after him and immediately ran into a big man who was now extremely mad.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?" The man shouts at Buck who was still in the floor rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry." Buck began apologising but the man kept getting mad, Buck stood up whilst the others were watching the man's movements very close.

"Pathetic firefighter." The man says before punching Buck which caused him to stumble backwards, Eddie immediately ran to Buck holding him whilst the man kept shouting.

"You're such an ungrateful man! We save people around here and you just speak to us like shit!" Eddie shouts lunging at the man with a swift right hook to his jaw causing some police officers to run on scene holding the man back whilst Buck held Eddie back.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright." Buck says softly wrapping his arms across Eddies torso holding his arms back. Eddie kept struggling against Buck then accidentally elbowed Buck in his stomach causing him to stumble back and let go of Eddie. "Ow!"

"Oh my god, im so sorry Buck." Eddie immediately calmed down but Buck just looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

"What the fuck Diaz?" Buck spoke out before walking away towards Hen so she could check the punch on his face out then to Eddies shock he lifted his shirt to see a newly forming bruise, Eddies eyes went wide.

"Did Eddie do that?" Hen asks checking it out.

"Yeah, it's fine." Buck speaks pulling his shirt back down and getting back into the fire engine with the rest of the crew, turns out the call was about an angry drunk guy swinging on people which was the same guy who hit Buck. Eddie kept trying to apologise to Buck but to his disappointment Buck wouldn't speak to him.

"Come on Buck, I said sorry." Eddie said as they were getting in the bunks since it was a 24 hr shift.

"Just piss off Eddie." Was all Buck said before he turned around in his bunk so he couldn't see Eddie.

"Buck, I'm so sorry please talk to me." Eddie begged.

"No, actually man. You hurt me, I have a giant bruise but you hurt me emotionally as well, I really thought we were good but then you go a hit me." Buck says tears forming in his eyes which he just wipes away before they fall.

"I-I know." Eddie whispers voice cracking as tears start falling down his face, "Fuck." He mumbles before going to the bathroom to splash his face with water but he gets mad and punches the wall wincing in pain as the wall is full brick. After the tears stop falling he goes back into the bunks to see Buck standing by the door waiting for him, not happy waiting though and immediately grabbed Eddies knuckle examining it.

"You're a fucking idiot." Buck whispers as not to wake the others up before walking up the stairs to the kitchen running Eddies hand under water before forcing him to sit on the counter.

"I'm sorry." Eddie apologised again but Buck just doesn't say anything he gets an ice pack putting it on Eddies hand before sitting in a stool in front of Eddie to make sure he doesn't take the ice pack off.

"Stop apologising, I know you didn't mean to hurt me but I can't just forgive you so easy." Buck mumbles.

"What can I do to make you forgive me?" Eddie asks waiting impatiently for an answer.

"I don't know but after this shift don't expect me to be all happy and cheerful to you." Buck says not looking Eddie in the eyes.

"No please Buck, I'll do anything." Eddie pleads.

"Anything?" Buck smirks.

"Anything." Eddie whispers, Buck immediately gets off the stool and stood in between Eddies spread legs who's still on the counter. He places his hands on both of Eddies thighs before speaking.

"That's the worst idea you've ever had." Buck smirk still planted on his face as he kisses Eddies hand which he punched the wall with. Buck squeezed Eddies thighs hard enough to make Eddie moan out quietly, "Slut." Buck spat out pointing to the new bulge forming in Eddies pants then he just walks off back down to the bunks leaving a confused Eddie on the counter.

"Hey wait!" Eddie whisper shouted but Buck just looked back and smirked. "That little shit." Eddie mumbled chasing after Buck before finally catching him before he got in the bunks pushing him against the wall. "Explain to me what the fuck that was." Eddie groaned.

"I don't know what you're on about." Buck shrugs escaping Eddies grasp walking into the bunks but when Eddie walked back into the bunks he saw a peaceful Buck sleeping in his bed. Eddie walked over and whispered in his ear.

"Why are you sleeping in my bed?" Eddie smirked but Buck just pulled Eddie down into the bed and cuddled up to him.

"Because I can." Buck says laying his head on Eddies chest and Eddie running his hands through Bucks hair, "I love you Eds but I still don't fully forgive you."

"I love you to Bucky and I'll do anything you want for you to forgive me." Eddie whispered kissing the top of Bucks head to which Buck looked into Eddies eyes placing a soft kiss onto each others lips.

They soon fell asleep in this position and Hen woke up snapped a photo of them then fell back asleep. They actually got a full nights sleep since there was no calls but Hen wouldn't stop teasing them in the morning.

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