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TW: Lucid Dreams, smut.

This is a fic where Buck has a lucid dream about him and Eddie having sex so now he starts to avoid Eddie, what will Eddie do?

Bucks POV

I was about to get into bed when I get a random text from Eddie.

You awake? -Eddie

No I'm not. -Buck

I can't sleep so I just wanna know whatcha doing. -Eddie

I'm trying to sleep. -Buck

Alright, I'll leave you alone. Go sleep -Eddie

No I feel bad now so just call me. -Buck

My phone rings and I answer it immediately, "So what do you want to talk about since you're so bored?" I say, voice hoarse as I am tired.

"I don't know, I just wanted somebody to talk to." Eddie says, voice also hoarse through to phone which I had to gulp back a whine from how sexy his voice sounds.

"You can just talk about anything you want because I'm literally drifting off to sleep as we speak." I giggle closing my eyes.

"If you're tired then I can just end the call." Eddie says feeling bad for keeping Buck awake.

"It's fine Eddie, I'm just saying don't blame me if I fall asleep." I chuckle getting into a really comfortable position on my bed then groaning.

"What was that?" Eddie chuckled.

"I found the most comfortable position." I whine but Eddie just rambles on about Chris and Carla.

I slowly let myself drift off to sleep whilst he's still talking.

Eddies POV

I was just randomly talking about anything I could think of before hearing the other end of the phone go silent. "Buck?" I speak softly waiting for a reply.

"Hm?" Is all I hear from the other end of the phone.

"Just checking if you were still awake." I giggle before rambling on again, after 20 minutes I decide to check if Buck was still here.

"Bucky?" I speak softly but no response.

"Goodnight Buck." I say gently ending the phone and beginning to sleep myself.

Bucks POV

I fell asleep listening to Eddie ramble on about whatever he was in about but the dream I had was weird but really nice.

The dream:
Eddie comes to my front door knocking on it, I get out of bed and go to the front door not knowing who it was. I open the door and see Eddie.

"Hey." Eddie says.

"Hey Eddie?" I question but he just walks into my home and pins me to the wall. "What are you doing?"

"Just enjoying your body against mine." Eddie groaned in my ear before pinning my hands above my head and putting his knee in between mine causing friction.

I moan quietly at the friction and Eddie takes this information to push his knee up against my dick making me moan louder.

When I open my mouth to moan he immediately puts his lips to mine easily slipping his tongue in my mouth and shoving his tongue down my throat. I moan again sending vibrations down his throat causing him to break away from the kiss.

"Fuck, I'm gonna use your body for whatever I want." Eddie states.

"O-Okay." I stutter happy at the thought.

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