Angry Buck

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TW: Homophobia, slurs

Buck had recently came out to Taylor and she went and put it on the news, nobody was more mad than the 118 they demanded that Taylor took it down so she did. Eddie was more angry than everything and he showed up to Taylor's doorstep.

"Why the fuck would you do that to Buck!?" Eddie shouted putting his foot in front of the door so she couldn't shut it.

"None of your damn business, move your foot before I call the police on you." Taylor responded trying to close her door.

"You are so lucky that you're a girl." Eddie scoffed as she took out her phone and dialled the police.

"Hello, 9-1-1? There's a guy on my doorstep and he won't leave, send the police." She said before giving them the address and ending the phone. "You better leave now."

"I'm not going anywhere." Eddie scowled still waiting for that answer, "Why did you do that to Buck!?" He shouted again, sirens getting louder.

"Because he's a pathetic little faggot who doesn't deserve anybody to love." She spat and Eddies anger rose.

"He's not pathetic, you're the pathetic little pig! I love him, more than anything!" Eddie shouted before the police shown up and he got arrested, luckily it was Athena.

In the cop car

"What were you thinking?" Athena spoke pinching the bridge of her nose.

"After what she did to Buck, she should be happy I'm not murdering her and she called Buck pathetic and a faggot." Eddie was on the brink of tears. "Am I getting arrested?"

"No kid, but you can't go see her again. Don't cry." Athena comforted him stopping in front of his apartment. Eddie was sobbing in the back seat and he got out whilst Athena pulled him into a hug. "It's okay." She said rubbing circles on his back.

"Buck is never going to be the same 'Thena." Eddie choked out, still crying.

"I know, I know and I'm really sorry." Athena said still hugging Eddie and letting him cry on her shoulder. "Do you wanna have dinner with me and Bobby tonight?" Eddie nodded and got back into Athena's car since she picked Eddie up with her car instead of the police vehicle.

At Bobbys

"Hey Athena." Bobby says as she opens the door and looks behind her to a tear stained Eddie. "And Eddie, hey what's wrong?"

"He gave Taylor Kelly a visit and she called the police on him, he's lucky it was me who picked him up." Athena answered for him, "He's joining us for dinner."

"Sorry to intrude Bobby, I am just not mentally stable to stay by myself since Chris is at summer camp so he's gonna be gone for 6 weeks." Eddie looks down.

"You are never intruding." Bobby grips his shoulder, "Come sit, dinner is almost done."

The next day (sorry for the time skip I just don't know what to do after this)

In the car with Bobby on the way to the station after they went to Eddies apartment so he could get changed since he stayed the night.

"Will you tell me why you were crying last night? What did Taylor say to you?" Bobby asks eyes on the road.

"She-She called Buck a pathetic faggot and that he didn't deserve to be loved." Eddie was about crying again.

"We both know that isn't true, I mean you love him right." Bobby shot Eddie a knowing look so Eddie didn't deny it.

"I mean yeah but it'll never happen." Eddie looked down blushing.

"You don't know that." Bobby said pulling up to the station and getting out the car and walking into the station, Eddie got out and walked in right behind him.

On the first call

"Hey look! It's that faggot firefighter!" One of the guys from the crowd shouted pointing at Buck as he was trying to get people out of cars since it was a pileup. Buck just ignored it and continued helping people until he got to this one man that wouldn't let me help.

"Ew! Don't touch me you faggot, I don't wanna catch your gayness." The random guy shouted causing Bobby to look over in rage but he didn't say anything.

"I have to get you out of the car so you can get medical assistance, sir." Buck says calmly, regressing his anger down so he can let it out later.

"No! Don't fucking touch me!" The guy shouted again and Buck backed away and went to help another person, but nobody would let Buck help except for this nice lady.

"Thank you young sir, don't listen to the others. They are just jealous because you are such a handsome young man." She smiled at him and he smiled back and brought her over to get medical assistance.

Eddie got all of the people which wouldn't let Buck help them, Buck was so mad and he just couldn't hold his anger anymore.

"Hey look! The firefighter fag, go fuck your boyfriend freak!" Some guy shouted from the crowd again and Buck lost it, he started walking towards the man and grabbed his collar pinning him to the fire engine.

"Shut the fuck up!" Buck shouted slamming him against the fire engine again then getting pulled away by Bobby.

"Calm down." Bobby said pushing him inside the fire engine. Buck sat down in his seat crossing him arms and not talking to anyone or looking at anyone.

"Buck, you alright?" Eddie asks which Buck didn't even look at him. "I'm guessing that's a no."

They got back to the firehouse

Buck immediately got out of the truck and went to the gym and started beating the shit out of the punching bag. Everybody was scared to go talk to him because they were scared he would punch them.

"Eddie, go talk to Buck." Hen pushed Eddie towards the gym so he went and stood next to the punching bag.

"You alright Buck?" Eddie asks looking at Buck with caring eyes.

"I'm fine." Buck grunts punching the bag again.

"Doesn't seem like it." Eddie mumbled. Buck hit the punching bag again, wincing in pain because he punched it wrong and he sprained his wrist. "Hey, is your wrist okay?"

"I'm fine, just leave me the fuck alone!" Buck shouts before going to punch it again with his bad wrist so Eddie puts his hand on the punching bag to stop Buck from punching it.

"Alright, stop." Eddie says, Buck gave him a death stare (like that one scene 🤭) Eddie gets extremely turned on by this look and the sweat dripping down his face. "Let's go get some ice on that wrist."

"Fine." Buck couldn't say no to Eddie so he followed Eddie up the stairs as Eddie goes to get an ice pack from the freezer. Eddie took the boxing glove off of Bucks hand and scanned his wrist holding his hand gently putting the ice pack on it and Buck winced.

"Did that hurt?" Eddie asks genuinely concerned about him.

"Yeah." Buck admitted, Eddie held the ice pack on causing Buck to whine in pain.

"Is there anything I can do to help the pain?" Eddie asks.

"Kiss it better." Buck mumbled hoping Eddie wouldn't hear him but Eddie just kissed his wrist gently and Buck blushed. "I-I how did you hear me?"

"It doesn't matter, all you need to know is that no matter how hard your life gets because of Taylor, I will always love you." Eddie spoke waiting for Bucks response.

"I love you too." Buck smiled grabbing Eddies collar with his other hand and bringing him up to kiss him on the lips. After a couple seconds they pulled away, "I've been waiting for this for ages."

Eddie just giggled and kissed him again before wrapping Bucks wrist in a cast, "I always cared about you and I will never stop." Eddie said kissing Bucks hand and moving slowly up his arm kissing ever small part until he reached his neck. He slowly kissed Bucks neck giving him a hickey then going under Bucks shirt and giving him hickeys in the shape of a heart with an E in the middle. "Look what I gave you." Eddie smirked whilst Buck went to the mirror and lifted his shirt.

"Really Eds?" Buck sighs pulling his shirt back down.

"Alright lovebirds, get a room." Hen laughs as he noticed the whole crew saw what they just did. Buck just chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head whilst Eddie was just proud of himself.

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