'I Want To Be Alone.'

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TW: Angst, Self-Harm

Recently Buck had been distant to the team and the crew noticed but Buck wasn't speaking to anybody.

"Buck, please tell us why you aren't speaking to us?" Hen speaks up and Bobby nods also waiting for an answer. Buck just crossed his arms and shrugged.

"Buck, please." Eddie spoke giving Buck the puppy eyes. Buck almost caved but then remembered why he was distant and then just walked away from them into the bathroom. Eddie followed banging on the locked bathroom door, "Buck! Buck! Please open up I'm worried about you."

"J-Just leave me alone and stop acting like you care!" Buck shouted his voice muffled with tears, "You don't care, nobody does." He said but quieter this time.

"What makes you think I don't care?" Eddie asks his voice soft.

"It's none of your business, I want to be alone." Buck whispers but loud enough so Eddie can hear it.

"Buck, please let me in." Eddie said waiting for a response but he didn't get one. "Buck?"

"Just go away." Buck says sniffling and running out the bathroom and out of the station into his jeep because his shift was over.

"Buck!" Eddie shouts after him.

Buck just ignored him and drove off to his apartment where he can finally be alone. Buck was sick of everybody trying to get in his business when quite frankly it had nothing to do with them and he just wanted some time to himself.

Bucks POV

I finally got away from the others and managed to get home with no fuss, some words that my father had said to me recently kept ringing in my head 'Your stupid colleagues aren't your friends, they just have to deal with you because you work there. They don't care about you and they never will, you are just a pathetic excuse for a firefighter.' I began sobbing before I heard a knock on the door and quickly wiped my tears before answering it, Eddie. Fuck why was he here, I told him to leave me alone, does he have a hearing problem?

"Buck, I really want to know what's been bothering you for these past days." Eddie says sincerely and I almost cave in again before remember my dads words.

"As if you care, just piss off." I snap back before slamming the door in his face, I was sick of everything and I just needed to feel something so I go into the bathroom and pull out a razor. I could hear Eddie banging on the front door but I couldn't care less, he was only here to make sure I don't make work harder for him so I begin dragging the razor across my wrist wincing slightly at the pain but damn it felt good. I begin leaving several lines on my wrist before moving to my thighs, my vision began going blurry as I stumbled into the kitchen to get the first aid kit, suddenly my vision went black and I passed out.

Nobody's POV

Eddie heard a loud bang from inside then a loud grunt he begins getting worried, "Buck! I'm coming in get away from the door!" Eddie shouts before booting the door open to see an unconscious Buck in the kitchen. "Buck!" Eddie shouts running over to Buck and lifting up into his arms.

"He-Hey Eddie, I'm kinda tired." Buck breaths out before going unconscious again.

"No! Buck!" Eddie pulls out his phone and dials 9-1-1. "Help! My friend has just passed out in his kitchen, he's unresponsive but has multiple gash wounds on his left arm and thighs." Eddie breaths out.

"Paramedics are on their way." The dispatcher says, thankfully is wasn't Maddie. The paramedics showed up and transported Buck to a hospital , Eddie following the ambulance in his car.

Eddies POV

Why would he do this? I should have came to him sooner, this is all my fault and it should've been me. I begin crying as I reach the hospital, I couldn't even get out my car so I dial Bobby.

"What's wrong Eddie?" Bobby asks through the phone.

"I-I Bucks in the hospital." I begin sobbing and Bobby can hear it.

"It's okay kid, we'll be there as fast as we can." Bobby reassures me. I get out my car and head to the reception.

"I'm here to see Evan Buckley." I say waiting for an answer.

"Are you family?" The receptionist asks me.

"Uhm yeah, I'm his boyfriend." I lie because I know the receptionist won't let me see him if I wasn't family.

"Room 217." She says and I head towards the room.

Nobody's POV

Eddie reaches the room, looking through the window to see Buck sitting up and eating the hospital food. Eddie encourages himself to go into the room to speak to Buck, "Hey Buck."

"Go away." Buck just snaps.

"No, I just saved your life and you are telling me to go away! No Evan! I care about you." Eddie shouts refusing to leave the room, "Also I told the receptionist that you're my boyfriend."

"Fine, you can stay." Buck grumbles tapping the seat beside the hospital bed.

"Happy to hear it because I wasn't leaving anyways." Eddie smiles and sits down. "Now will you tell me why you think I don't care about you?"

"I'm just a burden on you and everybody in the station, you are just my colleagues not my friends and I just don't like feeling like an extra person you have to look after whilst on a call." Buck said, eyes stinging with tears.

"You aren't a burden, we all love you Buck and we are your friends whether you like it or not." Eddie reassures grabbing Bucks hand and squeezing it tightly. Buck just smiles at Eddie before seeing the whole crew at the door watching.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Buck asks as Hen, Chim, Bobby and Athena walk through the room door.

"We are here for you Buck, Eddie called me and told us that you were here so we came to visit you." Bobby says smiling at Bucks shocked face.

"You-You came here for me?" Buck asks looking at Eddie as he just nodded and squeezed Bucks hand again.

"Of course we did kid, you are family." Athena spoke up walking over and hugging Buck, Buck likes the interaction and immediately hugs back.

"You actually care for me?" Buck asks staring to tear up.

"Of course we do Bucky, we love you." Hen spoke up hugging Buck as well.

"I love you as well Buck, more than just a friend." Eddie blushes staring lovingly into Bucks eyes.

"I-I love you too." Buck blushes looking away but Eddie just grabs his chin before leaning in and kissing Buck in the lips softly. Buck kisses back softly.

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