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I've ran out of ideas so if you have any just comment and give me them, I will try my best to make it as perfect as possible for you lot.

I have a couple of ideas but idk if they're hood or not so you guys can tell me.

- Buck leaves post it notes around Eddies apartment without him knowing the notes were anonymous and pick up lines.

- Eddie tries to break Buck and Taylor up but Buck already realised his attempts of doing so and figured out his feeling towards Eddie. Nobody was more happy than Eddie was when Buck showed on his doorstep telling him about Taylor and his breakup.

- Drunk Buck/Eddie

-Eddie calls Buck a child so Buck acts like a literal child all day and makes Eddie take care of him.

- Buck calls Bobby 'dad' so Eddie makes fun of him all day until Buck has had enough and harshly pins Eddie against the wall telling him to shut up but Eddie gets a little turned on by this. Buck notices.

- Buck has a nice relationship with his parents because Daniel lived, the Buckleys are rich so Buck had his own credit card with loads of money on it and wants to spend all his money on Eddie.

- Eddie and Buck go out to the park with Christopher and Eddie wears these really tight jeans and it drives Buck mad. He also gets really jealous when he a bunch of girls start to hit on him. (They are dating)

- Buck just wants to be left alone and Eddie doesn't let him be alone so Buck gets pissed off so Buck accidentally loses it and punches Eddie. Afterwards Buck feels so guilty and wants to be left alone even more and ignores Eddie because he feels bad.

That's all I've got and I'm happy for new suggestions xx

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