Physical Contact

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TW: I don't know anymore 😭

Everybody in the station knows that Eddie isn't really the touchy type, he doesn't like hugs not even side small hugs and he just doesn't like it when people touch him.

"Eddieee!" Buck shouts running into the station full of happiness.

"Your happy today." Eddie chuckles looking at Buck.

"Yeah! I don't know why I'm so happy but I just am!" Buck shouts and Eddie giggles.

"Come here." Eddie says putting him arms out which Buck automatically launches into, loving to be held by Eddie.

"I thought you don't like physical contact?" Buck asks still hugging Eddie.

"You're my only exception." Eddie chuckles noticing Buck still not letting go so he guides them both to the couch and just sits there with Buck in his arms.

"How long did you wait to do that?" Eddie asks as soon as Buck finally let's go.

"I always love hugs!" Buck shouts a bit too loud as everybody looks over to him and chuckles.

"Keep it down loud mouth." Eddie smiles putting his hand over Bucks mouth. Buck just licks Eddies hand causing him to pull his hand away quickly and Buck to start laughing, their laughing was cut off by the alarm ringing.

They all run into the engine, Eddie wiping his hand on Bucks jacket and sitting opposite Buck.

"What were you guys doing on the couch." Hen smirks looking over at the two.

"Nothing, Buck hugged me I don't know why but it's fine." Eddie shrugs ignoring the question.

"Whenever I go to hug you, you move out the way or push me?" Chim says suspiciously looking at the two of them.

"So? I don't like physical contact." Eddie shrugged again wanting the questions to stop.

"But if you don't like physical contact why was Buck here allowed to hug you?" Bobby asks butting into the conversation.

"I don't mind it when Buck does it." Eddie says jumping out of the engine since it just stopped.

"Wow, that's a bit difficult." Buck says looking at the 100 story building with a guy who's parachute got stuck on one of the antenna poles.

"Buck you will be descending down from the roof, Eddie you will be managing the winch." Bobby orders so Buck and Eddie immediately run into the building heading to the roof setting the winch up.

"Cap, I'm going down!" Buck shouts into his radio before starting to descend down the roof, Buck was almost at the skydiver.

"Hey sir, I'm gonna need to put this safety harness on you." Buck says softly passing the guy the safety harness.

"I don't want your help! I was hoping I'd die but no this stupid parachute had to come out before I hit the ground!" The man starts shouting swinging around a knife cutting his parachute strings.

"Don't do that!" Buck shouts but the man just cut his harness line causing Buck to fall but hang onto the antenna which was pretty thick.

"Cap! We've got a problem! He cut my harness wire!" Buck shouts into the radio seeing the man cut the last string of the parachute. "HES CUTTING HIS PARACHUTE!!"

The man immediately fell grabbing Bucks leg on the way down making Buck lose his balance on the antenna making him fall down.

"BUCK!" The whole team shout as Buck grabs onto a billboard which was nearby.

"I'm good!" Buck shouts into the radio, "what do I do Cap!?"

"Can you get to a window?!" Bobby shouts.

"Yeah I can!" Buck shouts back.

"Break it then climb inside and come down the elevator!" Bobby shouts and Buck does as he says breaking the window and going down the elevator.

The whole team was already at the bottom waiting for Buck, as soon as he came out the elevator Bobby, Hen and Chimney launch at him pulling him into a hug. Once they were done squeezing him half to death they backed away and Eddie flew into Bucks arms.

"Don't ever fucking do that again!" Eddie shouted voice breaking.

"I'm okay, don't worry." Buck comforts Eddie and strokes his back slowly. Eddie had his arms wrapped around Bucks neck so Bucks arms were on his waist with Eddies head in his neck.

"You're so stupid!" Eddie shouts sniffling and backing away from the hug punching Buck playfully on the arm. Buck just chuckles before heading to the fire engine with the whole team, bystanders cheering and also the skydiver lived. He landed in an air bag and was taken to the hospital with the police since he nearly killed Buck.

"Don't ever do that to us again Buck." Bobby says sighing in relief that he didn't get hurt.

"No promises." Buck chuckles as they pull back into the station. Eddie was glued to Bucks side. "Eddie you can chill out, I can't hurt myself at the station." Buck says but immediately backing into the railing and falling over it. Luckily Eddie grabbed his waist and pulled him close to his body.

"Yeah? You can't hurt yourself at the station? You almost just killed yourself." Eddie sighs pulling Buck back onto his feet his hand still resting on Bucks waist pulling him even closer than before.

"What're you doing?" Buck blushes seeing how close their faces are together.

"Hoping I'm not reading the signals wrong." Eddie says leaning in closing his eyes, Buck does the same closing the gap between them and kissing each other passionately.

They pull away after a few seconds, "You did not read the signals wrong." Buck smirks kissing Eddies jawline then his neck nibbling on it leaving little marks. Until Bobby clears his throat and they both snap to look at Bobby who was with the rest of the crew.

"You can do that out of work but we are proud of you." Bobby says smiling.

"Okay Cap, I love you." Eddie says kissing Bucks lips once more but only a peck.

"I love you too." Buck blushes still technically under Eddie. "You can get off me now."

"Oh right." Eddie chuckles blushing.

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