Baby Fever

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Eddie could feel himself slowly falling in love with Buck and the baby fever he gets when Maddie brings Jee is uncanny. Maddie shows up to the station whilst everyone was having food.

"Maddie is here." Chim says quickly leaving the table and going to his wife.

"And baby Jee!" Maddie shouts knowing Buck will sprint to Maddie as she's going up the stairs.

"Jee!" Buck shouts as Maddie gets to the top of the stairs immediately engulfing Jee in a hug.

"Uncle Buck." Jee says incoherently but everyone still understands and looks at them in awe. Eddie though, Eddies staring was a whole different level he had literal hearts in his eyes as he watched Buck play with Jee.

"So Eddie, you up for a barbecue at Bobby and Athena's on the weekend?" Hen asks but no answer. "Eddie?" Still no answer, "Eddie!?" Hen shouts.

"Yeah what." Eddie replies quickly as Buck looks at Hen.

"Are you up for a barbecue at Bobby and Athena's on the weekend?" Hen asks again.

"Uh-huh as long as Buck and Jee will be there." Eddie says going back to staring.

"Is that your little giraffe?" Buck says in his baby voice as he picked up Jee's giraffe and faking for it to eat him. "Ahhh Jee, Jee it's attacking me help." Buck giggles.

"Nooo uncle Buckk." Jee says grabbing the giraffe and throwing it. She just giggles.

"I thought I was gonna be eaten there Jee." Buck breaths out purposely.

"Nooo." Jee coos going to hug Buck.

Eddie is just staring blankly at them, the hearts in his eyes grew as he heard Bucks baby voice and he was not concentrating on the conversation he was supposedly in.

"He's so in love." Hen says and Eddies head snaps straight towards her.

"What?" Eddie asks.

"Nothing." Hen chuckles.

"No tell me what you said." Eddie said, eyes flickering towards Buck then back at Hen.

"I said that you are so in love with Buck." Hen says proudly.

"So what if I am?" Eddie says quietly as he watches Buck watch a movie with Jee falling asleep in his arms.

"Knew it." Hen chuckles and Eddie just shrugs to go watch the movie with Buck. He walks over.

"Can I watch with you guys?" Eddie smiles.

"Of course Eds." Buck smiles sweetly opening his other arm bcs Jee was laying in the other. Eddie sits down and Buck wraps his arm around him so Eddie cuddles close.

"Have a good sleep my loves." Buck says kissing both Jee and Eddie on the top of their heads.

"I love you Buck, like I am in love with you." Eddie confesses and Buck just chuckles.

"I know and I love you too." Buck says and kisses Eddie sweetly on the lips before falling asleep.

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