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Buck and Eddie were at Eddies apartment preparing breakfast for Chris when he woke up before Carla came and got him for school.

"When is Chris waking up?" Buck speaks across the kitchen after flipping the last pancake and putting it on the plate.

"Now." Eddie replies as Chris walks through the door.

"Bucky! Dad! What are you doi- Pancakes!" Christopher shouted after spotting the pancakes in the table.

"Come dig in bud." Buck says watching him wobble across the room and sitting down at the table as Buck placed some pancakes in front of him.

"Mmm these are so good! I'm guessing dad didn't make them." Christopher said after taking a bite out of the pancakes.

"Hey!" Eddie shouted from the kitchen offended by Chris' insult.

"Yeah I made them." Buck whispered making sure Eddie didn't hear him.

Carla arrived about 30 minutes later and Chris was all ready for school and waiting for her. "I'm here, come on Chris." Carla opened the door motioning Chris out of the apartment. "Hello boys." Carla winked at them.

'Hey Carla' they said in unison before she left and both went to get ready for work and then leave the apartment and carpooled.

Nobody batted an eye when they walked in together and as soon as they walked in the alarm rang.

Everybody hopped into the fire engines and it was a strange call, a girl had her head stuck in her boyfriends tailpipe.

"Buck, Eddie you are on crowd patrol until LAPD show up." Bobby shouted and they just nodded trying to control the crowd.

"Hey you're kinda cute, can I get your number?" Some random girl asked Buck, Eddie looked over as he heard what she said and his blood was boiling with anger and jealousy.

"No." Was all Buck said as he continues ignoring the continuous compliments before he looked over to Eddie who looked extremely uncomfortable with the compliments he was getting. So he walks over to Eddie and wraps his arms around his waist. "Just play along." Buck whispered in his ear.

"Hey babe, we will have some fun after this shift." Buck said before kissing Eddies cheek lightly.

"Alright, mi amore." Eddie whispered turning to look at Buck before some girl shouted from the crowd.

"If you're really dating then kiss." She said with a smug look on her face but that look went away as soon as Buck kissed Eddie softly on the lips before walking away and going back to crowd control. After that both of them stopped getting compliments and thankfully they got the woman out of the tailpipe and they were able to go back to the firehouse.

In the fire engine.

"So we not gonna talk about what you two did to keep that crowd under control?" Hen smirked looking between Eddie and Buck.

"He looked uncomfortable with the compliments so i pretended to be his boyfriend so they'd leave him alone." Buck shrugged as if it was nothing.

"YOU KISSED?!" Chim shouted when Hen whispered to him about what they did. Eddie and Buck both blushed a bright red.

"So? Some girl would only believe it if we kissed so I kissed him, no biggie." Buck shrugged again and Eddie looked a bit sad.

"Well, some people don't think so." Hen points at Eddie who looked sad.

"Hey hey hey, I'm sorry." Buck tried to comfort Eddie who wouldn't look at him.

"No need to be sorry, you're right. It's no biggie." Eddie said as the fire engine pulled into the station and Eddie leaped out of that truck and ran into the locker room sitting down on the bench.

Buck followed after him and sat on the bench next to him, "I'm sorry, is it because I kissed you?" Buck said softly looking into Eddies chocolate eyes.

"No, it's because you're acting like it's nothing but I really enjoyed it. I have a crush on you Buck." Eddie confessed, tears stinging his eyes.

"I thought that if I acted like it was something then you would hate me but the truth is I have had a crush on you since the first time I saw you in this exact locker room." Buck confessed kissing Eddies forehead.

"Really?" Eddie asked and Buck just nodded kissing Eddies nose then finally his lips, Eddie melted into the kiss and it was passionate and sweet. Not lustful and needy, it was really nice and they both loved it.

"Does this mean we are boyfriends?" Eddie asks.

"If that's what you want." Buck replies.

"Of course I want that." Eddie said pecking Bucks lips before leaving the locker room hand in hand and walking up the stairs. They all looked at them then down at their hands.

"Told you! Pay up!" Hen shouts holding her hand out and collecting her bet money whilst Buck and Eddie just chuckle and go to cuddle on the couch.

"I love you." Buck sputters out half asleep.

"I love you too." Eddie kissed the top of Bucks head.

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