The Problem with Wade Winston Wilson.

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You huff and cross your arm over your chest, "I'm not that bad at lying."

"Princess, a 5 year old would be able to tell when you're lying," your dad says.

"I don't understand. Why do you not like this Wade person, Shanks?" Izuku asks.

"Because he always drags my daughter into some kind of trouble. He's damn near got her arrested a couple of times."

You reply, "But in the end Wade has always had my back no matter what. He has gotten me out of just as many jams as he's gotten me into. He's my friend, dad. Wade just needs more people in his life that believe he can be a hero and who encourages him to do so. Like Spider-Man and Captain America."

"Friends and heroes don't talk you into breaking into secret government agencies and nearly costing you your entire future."

"Yeah. S.H.I.E.L.D's still mad at me for that. But in my defense, I did talk him out of killing anybody that day and causing absolute mayhem."

Izuku's eyes go wide, "Aunty, you broke into S.H.I.E.L.D?!"

You grimace at the look of disappointment on both your sweet nephew's face and your lover's. "We had a very good reason."

Toshinori crosses his arms over his chest, "What were those reasons?"

Your father glares at you, "Because Wade was bored, isn't that right, (Y/N)? You nearly threw your life away because Deadpool was bored. You're lucky that Captain America likes you and managed to convince Nick Fury to let you go or I'm pretty sure you'll be a cell in The Raft right now."

You roll your eyes and rest your hand on your hip. "For your information, that was only part of the reason why. Wade discovered that someone was planning on breaking into S.H.I.E.L.D and stealing highly classified information on certain heroes, including Captain America and myself. So, Wade and I broke in to show the agents that S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters isn't as secure as they thought. And it's a good thing we did too, since a week later they caught the mercenary that was paid to steal the information."

"You would have used your common sense and brought the threat up with Fury personally any other time (Y/N)! But, somehow, Wade manages to convince you into making the stupidest choices. Deadpool isn't staying with you while he's in Japan. He's a bad influence on you (Y/N)."

"Well, so are you, old man, but you don't seem to have any problem staying with me!" You huff at him.

Toshinori realizes just who the two of you are talking about. "Wait, Deadpool? Isn't he an internationally wanted mercenary known for killing hundreds of people and causing chaos wherever he goes?"

You slightly flinch "He used to be. But he's been trying to be better lately. Besides, Wade usually behaves relatively well when he's around me...usually."

Your father sighs, "You're a grown woman and you can make your own decisions. But if I have to bail you out of jail," he points at you with his index finger, "I'm kicking your ass."

You chuckle then pull out your phone to look and see what time it is. You see that it's nearly 6 p.m., "Look at the time! I think we'd better get back and get cleaned up before we go out to eat."

You and Shanks say your goodbyes to Toshinori and Izuku before making your way back to the apartment.
You each take showers and then get dressed. You've just finished putting on your makeup when you hear a knock on your door. You go to answer it, running a hand over your (f/c) blouse and panda bear print leggings in a subconscious self-conscious gesture. You open the door to see Toshinori standing there wearing a dark blue button-up dress shirt and black slacks. "Well, hello there, handsome," you say, wiggling your eyebrows at him. "Want to come inside?" You grin at him like the Cheshire cat at your innuendo.

However, it seems to have gone over the extremely tall man's head. "Yes. Thank you."

You step aside to let Toshinori enter your apartment. Toshinori leans down and captures your lips with his own in a loving kiss. Your dad walks out of the guest room dressed in his usual white button up dress shirt and a new pair of capris that have red pandas in different postures all over them. "Are you two lovebirds ready to go?"

Toshinori breaks the kiss, his cheeks turning red. "Yep," you say, popping the 'p'.

Toshinori clears his throat, "Yes. There's a company car waiting to take us to a nice restaurant that I know of in the Ishikawa region. I sent a text to young Midoriya and let him know that we'll be picking him and his mother up."

"Sounds good. Let's go," you and Shanks both slip on your shoes before leaving the apartment. You lock the door behind you and Toshinori holds out his arm for you to take. You slip your arm through his as the three of you make your way down the stairs.

When you reach the street, you see a black limo waiting for you. Shanks lets out a whistle, "You should have said 'limo' not 'company car'." He then shares a look with you and says, "Dibs on being the first to stick their head out of the top window!" He then takes off running towards the limo, causing you and Toshinori to chuckle in amusement.

"Act your age, not your shoe size, dad!" You shout out after him.

Once the three of you are seated in the back of the limo, the driver pulls out onto the road driving towards Inko's apartment. Once you reach their apartment build, you send Izuku and Inko both a text. Soon you can see the green haired mother and son walking downstairs. Toshinori gets out of the car and opens the back passenger side door for Inko and Izuku. Inko sits beside you while Toshinori and Izuku sit on the seats running along the left side of the limo and your father on the seats running along the right. Shanks has already spotted the mini bar and has already poured himself some rum. "Inko, this is my father, Shanks. Dad, this Izuku's mother, Inko."

Shanks gives the green haired woman a charming smile and holds out his hand. Inko tentatively puts her hand in his and Shanks brings it up to his mouth to place a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet a beautiful woman such as yourself."

Inko's entire face turns red, "Oh, my..."

You stomp on Shanks' closest foot, causing him to let out a hiss of pain and release Inko's hand. "Knock it off, old man. Inko may not actually be related to you, but you do think of her son as your grandson."

Once everyone settles down, the limo driver pulls out onto the road again. You begin to flirt with Toshinori and Inko notices. She gives you a wink and leans in close to whisper in your ear, "He's both adorable and hot at the same time. No wonder that he has managed to capture your heart. I bet he's insatiable in bed."

This last sentence makes you blush. You reply in your own hushed whisper, "Definitely. He makes my toes curl every time." The two of you giggle like teenage girls.

Shanks looks over at you and Inko with a raised eyebrow. He then looks at Toshinori and tells the older man,"Uh-oh. I know this type of girlish giggling between two women all too well. They're definitely gossiping about you, my friend."

Author's note: I'm sorry this chapter is so short. I thought I had a lot more written when it turns out I didn't have anything written. So, please forgive me. I'm also really having trouble picking up the pace of the story again. I'm sitting here and I'm thinking and thinking and thinking, but nothing would pop into my head. Finally, this little scene popped into my head. I figured it would be best to stop at the point where I'm sort of, kinda happy with the chapter instead of continuing to try and force ideas out. I'll try to pick up the pace on the next chapter. Again I'm really sorry. I'm going to be honest with you all, I haven't been feeling well both mentally and physically for the past 2 days. Yesterday a comment was left on one of my real life pictures, "Remember, this is what you look like. You're fat and ugly and no man will ever love you." I will admit it got to me really badly, they were just being honest, but still ouch. So that might be part of my mental blockade that's going on. I am so sorry and I will make it up to you all in the next chapter. Thank you all for keeping to the deal to check out PurpleJam's video. I appreciate it and so does he. I Love You All.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now