A Bad Influence.

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You leave your apartment with your dad and Toshinori. After you lock the door you turn to your dad; who is talking with Toshinori; then jump onto his back. Shanks doesn't even stumble from the added weight to his back he does, however, turn his head to look at you over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised. "What? I have trouble with depth perception now, the least you can do is give your daughter a piggyback ride down the stairs."

Shanks laughs, "Fair enough." You motion for Toshinori to come closer to you and he does. You lean over and kiss him on the lips. "Hey, now! No making out with your boyfriend while you're on daddy's back! Geez, there's a sentence no father should EVER have to say." You burst out laughing as Shanks begins to walk along the walkway with Toshinori right beside him. "So how did you two meet?"

You grin, "We met through Izuku. Toshi was helping him train at Dagobah Municipal Beach when I went there to surprise Izuku."

As you all reach the staircase leading down to the ground floor, Shanks looks over at Toshinori and asks, "Why were you helping Izuku to train? No offense, but you don't exactly look like the personal trainer type."

You say in amusement, "Didn't you always tell me not to judge a book by its cover, daddy?"

"Touché, princess."

You lay the side of your face on top of his head. "See, I did listen to you when I was a kid...I just pretended to ignore you."

The three of you all laugh as you walk down the stairs. "Were you a personal trainer before you started working at Might Tower, Toshinori?"

"No...I mean...not really. I just help young Midoriya when All Might can't." You subtly nudge Toshinori's side with the foot that's closest to him. When he looks over at you, you shake your head slightly in a nonverbal warning to him not to lie too much or your father will catch him. Shanks may appear to be a carefree goofball most of the time, but he is incredibly observant and intelligent. Toshinori just gives you a confused look.

"What exactly do you do at Might Tower? I assume whatever it is has you working closely with All Might?"

"Uh," Toshinori clears his throat, "yes. I'm All Might's personal secretary."

The three of you reach the bottom of the stairs and you slide off of your father's back. You start to walk to the closest karaoke bar, Canary's, which is about 4 blocks away from your apartment. As you walk, in between Shanks and Toshinori, you tell your father about your first-day teaching and the villain attack on the USJ in detail. By the time you finish, you've reached Canary's.

Toshinori holds the door open for both you and your father. You walk inside and your ears are immediately assaulted by loud music and someone singing off-key.  The inside is large with a good size island that serves as a counter right in the middle of the room and dividing the room into 3 sections. On the left side of the room, there are booths consisting of fluffy red couches arranged along three sides of low sitting, black-stained wooden tables. On the right are small black-stained square wooden tables with two matching chairs on one side of the tables while couches run along the wall on the opposite side.  Blue and pink lighting give the bar a surprisingly pleasant ambiance.  A stage is set up at the back of the room with a couple of large tv monitors; one set up for the singer and another larger one for the audience to follow along with the lyrics. In front of the stage, about six small two-person round tables are set up with matching chairs opposite each other. The lighting over the stage is brighter than in the rest of the bar due to the use of regular lightbulbs.

The bar is fairly packed with people, but the three of you manage to find an empty booth close to the back of the bar. After ordering and receiving your drinks; saké for your dad, a Zombie for yourself, and a glass of water for Toshinori; you all sit down at the booth. You're sitting in between your dad and Toshinori. The three of you start to exchange stories: your dad tells you about all of the adventures he has gotten into since you last saw him, including getting into a fight with an Lóng Wáng; a huge dragon that can transform into a man and is said to rule over the seas.  (A/N: I know, I know, but that's what they're called 🤣🤣) You tell your dad and Toshinori; mainly Toshinori since your dad has heard most of your stories already; about some of the fights with villains that you have been in. Even Toshinori shares a couple of stories about his time as a student in UA and his time in America after he had graduated.

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now