The Big Reveal.

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Toshinori and Izuku finish training for the day at 5 o'clock.  They walk up to where you're sitting and you slide off of the old washer.  You stretch and adjust the left side of your black trench coat.  "Ready to go, gentlemen?"  You ask while picking up the green gift sack containing Izuku's present.

"Yep!"  Izuku replies happily, then he sees the gift bag.  "What's in the bag, aunt (Y/N)?"

You wink at him, "Just a little gift for you."

Izuku's face lights up, "Really?  What is it?  Did you bring it all the way from America?  Is it an All Might figurine?  It didn't cost you too much did it?"  Izuku rapidly fires off questions to you causing you to laugh loudly. 

"Calm down, Izuku-kun.  You can see what it is when we get to the teahouse.  Yes, I did bring it from America.  And it didn't cost me anything.  It was a special gift, but I have no interest in things like this, so I thought that you might like it."  You turn to look at Toshinori, "So, Toshinori, do you know a teahouse where the tea is decent and we can have a little privacy?"  You ask the much taller man.

Toshinori thinks for a minute before answering, "Yeah, but it's a bit of a walk."  He rubs the back of his head

"That's okay with me.  Are you up for some more exercise, Izuku-kun?"  He eagerly nods his head.  "Then lead the way, Toshinori!"

The three of you walk away from the beach and deeper into the heart of Musutafu.  You walk side by side on the sidewalk, you on Izuku's right and Toshinori is on his left.  While you're walking Izuku asks you questions about your life in America, most of which revolve around your hero work.  Toshinori also asks you a few questions, but for the most part he just listens.  You also ask Toshinori a few questions.  Most of the questions he answers, like how tall he is; 7 foot 3; and what it's like working with All Might.  But if the question is too personal he dodges answering it, like how he knows All Might.

The three of you reach a crosswalk and Izuku pushes the button.  As you are all waiting for the 'Don't  Walk' light to change to 'Walk', a woman and her two children, a little girl and a little boy, both look to be around 4 years old, walk up beside you.  The little girl is crying her eyes out while her mother is trying to calm her.  You look down at the little girl, "Hey, kid."  You say and the little girl looks up at you.  Once you know that you've got her attention, you start to make funny faces; sticking out your tongue and rolling your eyes, puffing out your cheeks and crossing your eyes, etcetera.  The little boy begins laughing and, slowly, the girl's sobbing stops and she begins laughing instead.  The mother bows low to you with grateful smile.  "Thank you so much." 

You return the woman's bow, "It was no problem, ma'am."

The light changes and the three of you decide to let the mother and her children walk ahead of you.  Izuku is grinning from ear to ear and Toshinori is looking at you in admiration with his own smile.  Despite his unhealthy appearance, Toshinori's smile is a beautiful sight to behold.  "Aunt (Y/N)?"  Izuku speaks your name as you all reach the other side of the street.

"Yes, Izuku-kun?"

Izuku seems to become a little nervous and a blush of embarrassment appears on his cheeks.  "I was just are good with kids....Why don't you have any of your own?"  Immediately, Izuku's posture straightens and he starts to repeatedly bow while saying, "I'm so sorry.  I shouldn't have asked such a personal question in public!  I was just curious and...and....I'm sorry!"

You chuckle at your nephew's behavior, "It's okay, Izuku-kun.  The reason I don't have any children of my own is simple really.  I was a hero.  I was always too busy to settle down and start a family."  You fail to notice that Izuku is no longer walking by your side.  "Then there was the fear of villains finding out about them and that's never a pleasant thought.  Don't get me wrong I had a couple of boyfriends over the years....Which reminds me...a little word of advice, Izuku...when they say that opposites attract, try to remember that its not always a good thing.  My last relationship was a complete disaster.  Don't know why...we were great friends, but then we tried to be more and BOOM!  Disaster." 

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now