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A/N:  Sorry this took so long, but I've had pneumonia and didn't feel well enough to write.  The song will make more sense near the end of this chapter...let's just say I saw an opportunity for a Harry Potter reference and this Hufflepuff took it.  🐾

You're woken up by a loud beeping sound coming from beside your bed. You groan and mumble, "Five more minutes." You reach out to smack the spot where your alarm clock is supposed to be, but instead, your hand connects with someone's head.

"Ow!" A familiar male voice says, "That's one hell of a way to let someone know that you're awake."

"Huh? Toshinori?" You slowly try to open your eyes, but find that you can only open your left eye.

"Yes, it's me, my love." Your vision is blurry at first, but soon the tall, lanky form of your boyfriend comes into focus. He's sitting in a chair beside the hospital bed that you're lying on, his wild blonde hair more disheveled than usual.

You smile at him, "Hey there, handsome. Sorry about smacking you on the head. I was trying to shut off what I thought was my alarm clock, but I guess that annoying beeping was just the heart monitor, huh?" You raise your bandaged hand to the right side of your face and feel a bandage covering your eye. You then look down and see that most of your body is wrapped up in bandages. "What...?" Everything that happened at the USJ suddenly comes back to you. "Are the students okay? What about Aizawa and Thirteen?"

"The students are all alright. Izuku was the only one that was injured, but that's because he used One For All to save me. He's fine now. He'll be back soon...he just went to get something to eat and drink from the vending machines...Aizawa and Thirteen are here in the hospital as well. They're both going to be okay although the doctors aren't sure if Aizawa's eyesight will ever be the same again."

All of a sudden Izuku enters your room, "I know that you said you didn't want anything, Toshinori-san, but I got you a bottle of water just in case." Izuku freezes in place when he notices that you're awake. "Aunty! You're finally awake!" He drops his food and the two drinks before rushing over to your bedside and practically throwing his upper torso on top of you, embracing you in a hug and crying rivers of tears.

"Easy, young Midoriya. You're going to hurt her if you're not careful," Toshinori scolds Izuku, fussing over you.

You run your bandaged fingers through Izuku's hair to try to calm him down. "It's okay, Toshi." You turn your attention to your sobbing nephew, "It's okay now, my little green valley. I'm fine."

"We...we...a-almost...l-lost you, A-aunty!" He says in between sobs.

"But you didn't and that's what matters. Now cool it with the crying, will ya? You're soaking my bed."

Izuku lets you go and stands up straight before wiping his tears away with the back of his right hand. "S-sorry."

You chuckle and carefully sit up in bed, "It's okay, Izuku."

"A-aunt (Y/N)?  Can...can I ask you a q-question?"

"You can ask me anything you want, Izuku."

Izuku rubs the back of his head nervously, "Back at the USJ...w-when you were fighting the s-second said that your second quirk is hereditary.  D-does that mean that I w-will be able to use this...Will of the Dragon t-too?"

You run your hand through your hair, "Ah.  I knew this moment was coming, but I didn't expect it so soon."  You sigh,  "Unfortunately, no, you didn't inherit Will of the Dragon, Izuku.  You see...your father and I are only half-siblings.  We have the same mother, but not the same father, and I inherited Will of the Dragon from my father."  You can see the gears in Izuku's head turning as he processes this new information.  "But it doesn't matter if your father is only my half-brother, you are and always will be my nephew and to my father, his grandson."

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now