First Date.

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Two months pass by and you spend as much time with Toshinori as possible. You've started jogging with him and Izuku early in the morning; usually Toshinori jogs in his true form, but occasionally he'll jog as All Might. On these occasions, the two of you end up getting in a small race with each other, leaving Izuku behind as he shouts for you and All Might to slow down because he can't keep up. This morning is one of those days that he's jogging as All Might. Of course, the two of you get into your mini race and, as usual, he beats you to the beach. He laughs boisterously, "I win again, (N/N)-chan!"

You huff slightly and see steam start to rise from him. "Wait, before you change forms there's something I've been wanting to try, Bunny-sama."

He raises a brow in curiosity at you, "Oh? And what would that be?"

"You'll see. Flex your biceps please." He does as you request, the muscles of his arms bulging impressively. You walk up to him and his eyes follow you. You stop near his left arm and, having to jump slightly, you wrap your arm around his bicep and are now hanging in the air. You feel All Might shift a little to adjust to your added weight, but other than that he doesn't seem to be bothered by you hanging from his arm. "HA! I knew it! I knew that I could hang from you like a monkey in a tree and it wouldn't bother you." You begin to chuckle, "All Might Jungle Gym...sounds like a place meant for women to work out to pictures of you." You laugh loudly.

He blushes slightly, "Hahahaha! Do you often try to hang from the arms of muscular men that you meet?" He asks as you start to slightly swing on his arm.

You look at his face, "No. I've only done this once before and this is a much more pleasant experience than it was. I'm not in the middle of a fight and don't have to worry about being bitten."

His eyebrows shoot upwards, "What is with villains trying to eat you?"

"Well, technically, only one villain tried to eat me...the other was an antihero. Apparently, I taste really good." You then manage to wrap your legs around his waist and release your arm from around his. You quickly put your arm over his shoulder to help support yourself. You wink at him and your smile turns mischievous, "I might let you have a taste when we get to know each other better." You wiggle your lower half against his waist for emphasis.

All Might's face goes completely red. He's suddenly surrounded by smoke as he loses his hold on his muscular form, blood erupting violently from his mouth. He quickly raises his left hand to cover his mouth to prevent the blood from getting on you. You let out a small "Eep!" as you feel yourself start to fall, but Toshinori quickly puts his free arm under your butt to catch you. A light blush appears on your face, "Thanks for that." Even in his true form, Toshinori is strong enough to hold you up with a single arm. You give him a bright smile.

Unknown to both you and Toshinori, his pants are now too loose for his body and they slide down to his ankles. It is at this moment that Izuku arrives. The teenager sees the position that you two are in and that Toshinori's pants are down to his ankles. His face goes bright red, "OH MY GOD! I'M...I'M...S...SO...SO...S...SORRY!! Did...did...I...interrupt...some...something?"

"Huh?" You and Toshinori say at the same time. You tighten your legs around Toshinori's waist and stretch upwards to look over his shoulder. You get a glimpse of Toshinori's blue sweat pants resting down by his ankles, his All Might boxers exposed for all the world to see. Instantly, you realize what this must look like to the young teenager; his aunt in the arms of his mentor with her legs wrapped around his waist while he's standing with his pants around his ankles, leaving him in only his boxers. You burst out laughing and unwrap your legs and arm from around Toshinori's waist and shoulder. You fall to the ground laughing hysterically.

Toshinori looks down and his face turns red and blood spews from his mouth again. He immediately bends down and pulls up his pants, "'s... it isn't...what it...looks like...young Midoriya. N...nothing h...happened."

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now