Symbol of Justice. (Part 2)

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All Might stands there in front of the two villains separted by a hundred feet or so and surrounded by dust and the steam that's coming off of his body.  Izuku, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki are standing 50 feet away to the left of All Might. The white-haired villain, Tomura Shigaraki, is scratching at his neck again and mumbling to himself.  "What's wrong?  Not attacking?  Didn't you say that you were going to clear this level earlier?"  All Might glares at them his glowing cerulean eyes exposed.  "Well, come and get me.  If you dare."

"Man, this is...intense," Bakugo says.

"As I expected.  There's no reason for us to fight now.  He'll handle this," Todoroki states.  He, Bakugo, and Kirishima start to walk away.

'Crap.  I can't fight them.  That Nomu guy took too much out of me.  I'm pretty sure that if I make one more move...I'll be forced to go back into my weak form.  I can't keep this up much longer.  I just have to stall until they get here.' All Might thinks to himself, but remains standing tall. He then says out loud, "What?  Are you scared?"

Shigaraki starts frantically scratching at his neck with both hands.  "If only one of my Nomu were here...He'd rush you right now."  There's a loud screech followed by a loud thud as the Nomu you fought lands in front of Shigaraki.  Hearing the thud Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima stop and turn back around.  Shigaraki stops scratching at his neck, "Looks like we've got an extra life.  Nomu number 2...perfect timing." 

All Might's eyes widen in shock.  'No!  There's another one!  I...I don't have the strength to fight this one.  Where did it come from?'

"Hey, Midoriya... Isn't that the same Nomu that Red Force-sensei was fighting earlier?" Kirishima asks the green-haired boy.

All Might's ears perk up at this.  He's been wondering where you were since he first arrived. "I...I...think so." Izuku answers.

"Does that mean that Red Force lost?" Todoroki asks.

"Tch, look at its left arm.  I think the answer is obvious," Bakugo says, nodding his head towards the Nomu.

Izuku's eyes begin to water and All Might's heart sinks in fear at the sight of blood covering the Nomu's arm and dripping off of his fingers.  "No," Izuku shakes his head frantically.  "No, no, no, no.  She can't be..."

Shigaraki laughs, "The symbol of justice is dead...and soon so will be the symbol of peace!"

"Don't celebrate too soon!"  Your voice sounds from the right causing everyone to look in that direction.  There you are, barely able to stand with blood flowing down from your right eye and pouring from the hole in your abdomen.  Your mangled lower left leg is covered in your willpower armor to support your leg so that you can walk.  Your once snow-white leotard is now stained red with your own blood.  "I'm not dead, yet!  I'm still your opponent, big bird!"

Tears flow down Izuku's face when he sees you, "Aunty..."

All Might's heart feels like it's literally breaking in his chest.  Your condition is critical and it looks like you're just inches away from death and it scares the hell out of him.  "Red Force, you need to stop!  I can take this Nomu down!"

You look over at your lover, "Stay out of this, All Might.  This is my fight!"

Shigaraki scoffs, "You may not be dead just yet, but you're close enough.  You can barely stay on your feet.  You're no longer a threat to us...Nomu number 2...kill All Might then the children and finish this game."

"I won't let you lay a finger on All Might or any of these kids!  I've still got one ace up my sleeve! I will go beyond my limitations to stop you, villains!"  You raise your hand high above your head, "This quirk has been passed down to me from my father and to him from his father and so on for generations!  And someday it will be passed down to my own children! Inherited Will of the Dragon!" (A/N: I know that in One Piece the D stands for Devil, but I changed it to Dragon in this story for a reason that you all will find out in a later chapter.)  A bright red and white light envelopes you for about 15 seconds and then it slowly fades away.  When it completely vanishes, it reveals you now completely covered in armor similar to a knight's. The armor makes you look androgynous and is a pure white, which shines brilliantly in the light.  However, there are pieces of armor that are red outlined with thick bands of gold covering your ankles, knees, and shoulders.  There's a bit of red on the top of your helm that's designed to look like the closed mouth of a dragon with two yellow jewels representing eyes resting above the small white teeth.  The ends of the dragon design extend 5 inches behind your head and are shaped like leathery wings.  In your right hand, you're holding a round shield that's almost as big as you are.  Like your armor, it's made of a beautiful shining white metal with a thick band of gold around the edge and forming a hollow sun design in the middle.  In the center of the sun design is a huge blue crystal and three elongated blue crystals from the top and bottom sides of the sun.  Where your left arm is supposed to be is a beautiful lance made of a blue and white laser.  Behind you, a long red cape flutters in the light breeze.

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