Venom (Part 1).

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You wake up the next morning in Toshinori's arms.  You yawn and stretch before rolling over on your left side to face your lover.  You kiss the tip of his nose causing him to stir slightly.  You place a kiss on each of his cheeks and this time he sighs.  You place more kisses all over his face and he yawns, finally waking up.  He opens his beautiful cerulean eyes, "Good morning, (N/N)."

You give him a huge smile, "Good morning, my love."  You capture his lips in a heated kiss and he tangles his left hand in your hair and deepens the kiss.  You suddenly break the kiss and Toshinori pouts.  "What do you want for breakfast, Toshi-kun?"

"Pancakes sound good."

"Pancakes it is then," you sit up in bed and stretch your arm.  "Let me pee first then feel free to use the shower if you want."  You stand up from the bed exposing your naked body to the air.  "Ooh, cold, cold, cold!"  You say while bouncing from one foot to the other and folding your arm over your chest.  Toshinori chuckles at your antics as he sits up in the bed.  You walk into the bathroom to relieve your bladder and after you're done you show Toshinori where the towels and washcloths are before walking out of the bathroom and then your bedroom.  In the living room you stop to pick up your discarded kimono from last night and put it on.  You then walk into the kitchen and take out everything that you need to make pancakes.  You cut up the remaining strawberries from last night and add them into the batter.

You've just finished cooking the last pancake when Toshinori walks into the kitchen now clean and dressed in the same white slacks and blue dress shirt from yesterday.  "I, uh, didn't know what to do with my, um," his face turns slightly red, "d-dirty b-boxers so I put them in your laundry hamper."

You place the pancake on top of another on a plate.  "That's fine.  I'll wash them and the next time you stay the night you'll have clean underwear for the morning.  You should consider bringing a spare set of clothes to leave over here, Sunflower-kun.  Along with a toothbrush and anything else you may need." 

Toshinori slightly coughs as he sits down at the small round kitchen table and you put the plate of two pancakes down in front of him.  "Thank you, (N/N).  I...I will certainly consider your offer."  You get the bottle of syrup from the fridge and take it to Toshinori before getting your own plate and sitting across from your lover.  As you're eating, Toshinori says, "I've been wondering about something that you said last night."

Your (e/c) eyes meet his bright blue ones and you give him a huge smirk.  You trail your right foot up his left leg.  "I meant everything that I said last night....You are the best lover I've ever had and your penis is the biggest I've ever seen.  Honestly, I'm surprised that it all fit inside me."  You gently rub his manhood through his pants with your foot. Toshinori's face turns red and he begins coughing up blood from his surprise.

You stand up, walk over to the counter by the kitchen sink, and grab him a couple of paper towels.  You hand them to him and, after he stops coughing, he thanks you.  You then sit back down across from him. "N-no...that's not what I was wondering about."

You give him a radiant smile, "Is it about admitting that I love you?  Because I meant that as well.  My daddy taught me that 'I love you' shouldn't be said so casually.  That when you tell someone that you love them, you should always mean it." 

Toshinori smiles at you and your heart skips a beat at how beautiful it is.  "I love you too.  But, I was actually wondering why your father freaked out and had you start taking birth control when you were only 15?"

You raise an eyebrow at him, "If you're wondering if I was sexually active when I was that young the answer is no.  I waited until I was 18 before having sex with anyone."  You put down your fork,  "You see, my dad was just 15 when he got my mom pregnant and I guess he just freaked out a little and wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to get pregnant until I was ready." 

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now