The Entrance Exam.

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A/N:  I changed the way that the judges hand out rescue points during the practical exam.  It just makes more sense to me for them to use tablets instead of wooden paddles considering how hi-tech U.A. is.

During the next month, you and Toshinori don't have many chances to see each other; you're too busy buying new furniture and moving into your new apartment while Toshinori has his hands full with training Izuku.

Finally the day of the entrance exam arrives.  You arrive at the school and join the other teachers in the viewing room.  You look around for Toshinori, but don't see him.  However, you do spot a yellow sleeping bag on the floor so you make your way over to it.  You crouch down beside Aizawa's sleeping bag and poke him.  "Hey, Aizawa-san."

The man rolls over to face you, "Oh, great... it's you.  How are you going to annoy me today?" 

You grin and wriggle your eyebrows, "Well, normally I would just climb into the sleeping bag with you....But I'm no longer a single woman and have to show some restraint."

"You think that not crawling into a sleeping bag with someone who is practically a stranger is showing restraint?"

Your grin widens, "Yes."

A loud voice says from behind you, "Yo, Red Force!"

You turn around to see Present Mic walking towards you.  "Hello, Present Mic!  That was quite the broadcast you did last night."

Present Mic rubs the back of his head, "Thank you!  It's always great to receive feedback from my wonderful listeners!  By the way, please call me Hizashi when we're not around the students!"

You chuckle at his flamboyant behavior, "In that case, please call me (Y/N)."

Aizawa gets to his feet and moves to stand beside Hizashi.  He looks you over more carefully.  He blinks a couple of times in surprise, but his surprise is quickly replaced by annoyance. "Are you wearing All Might pants?"

You look down at your new pants; they're blue with white squares outlined with red along the thighs and bright yellow outlined with red and white at the shins.  "Yep!  They're bright and colorful so I like 'em.  Plus, look what's printed on the butt!"  You turn your back to the two men and raise the back of your shirt just enough to expose the words written in yellow, 'I Am Here!'

Hizashi laughs while Aizawa sighs in exasperation.  "What's so funny, Hizashi?"  A very familiar male voice says causing you to look forward to see Toshinori standing there, his brows furrowed in confusion at why you're showing your ass to Aizawa and Hizashi.

"Dahahaha!  You have excellent timing, my love!"  Toshinori blushes.  You turn around to show him his own catchphrase, "I was just showing off the words on my new pants when you showed up."

Toshinori sighs, "I need to have a chat with whomever made those pants."

You chuckle, "It could always be worse...they could have your face on them instead of your catchphrase."

Hizashi laughs again, "I like you, (Y/N)-chan!  I think we're going to be great friends!"

"May I have your attention, please."  Principal Nezu says from in front of a really large TV screen.  "The written exam is about to begin.  Hizashi would you be so kind as to go and start the written exam?"

"Of course, Principal Nezu!  It will be my pleasure to instruct the young listeners during the exam!"  Hizashi then leaves the room.

You look over your shoulder and see Aizawa getting back into his sleeping bag.  "Do you want me to wake you up when it's time for the practical exam, Caterpillar-san?"

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